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Android link server information display on the ListView click jump details and figure images can be


//use an asynchronous task load images, also is a kind of implementation of child thread
The class LoadImageTask extends AsyncTask {
Controls to display images//statement
Private ImageView ImageView.
LoadImageTask (ImageView ImageView) {
Enclosing imageView=imageView;
//are commonly used to perform background tasks for the UI done before 1 tag
@ Override
Protected void onPreExecute () {
Super. OnPreExecute ();
@ Override
Protected Bitmap doInBackground (String... Strings) {
Bitmap Bitmap=null;
The URL//picture
String bmUrl=strings [0];
Try {
Bitmap=BitmapFactory. DecodeStream (new URL (bmUrl). OpenStream ());
} the catch (IOException e) {
Return the bitmap;
//when the background at the end of the operation, this method is called, the results will be passed as a parameter to this method, the result is shown in the UI directly component
@ Override
Protected void onPostExecute (Bitmap Bitmap) {
If (bitmap!=null) {
ImageView. SetImageBitmap (bitmap);
Super. OnPostExecute (bitmap);

CodePudding user response:

You use Glide or directly ImageLoader framework
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