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Help Java the encrypted data to WeChat small program how to decrypt my own solution after data is wr


In the Java encryption
//encryption device information
Public String Encrypt (String content, String strKey, String strIV) {//key and iv value with 64 turn content need not 64 turn (pit)
Byte [] bOut=null;
//the string plaintext into utf-8 bytes
Byte [] data=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/new byte [0];
Try {
Data=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/content.getBytes (" utf-8 ");
The Key deskey=null;
BASE64Decoder d=new BASE64Decoder ();
Byte [] sKey=d.d ecodeBuffer (strKey);
DESedeKeySpec spec=new DESedeKeySpec (sKey);
SecretKeyFactory keyfactory=SecretKeyFactory. GetInstance (" desede ");
Deskey=keyfactory. GenerateSecret (spec);
Cipher Cipher=Cipher. GetInstance (" desede "+"/CBC/PKCS5Padding ");//PKCS7Padding desede "+"/CBC/ZeroPadding
Byte [] b=d.d ecodeBuffer (strIV);
IvParameterSpec ips=new IvParameterSpec (b);
Cipher. The init (cipher ENCRYPT_MODE, deskey, ips);//ENCRYPT_MODE, data encryption, decryption data DECRYPT_MODE,
BOut=cipher. DoFinal (data);
} the catch (Exception e) {
BASE64Encoder encoder=new BASE64Encoder ();
String STR=encoder. Encode (bOut);
return str;

In the Java decryption

//decrypt the data
Public String deCrypt (String content, String strKey, String strIV) {
BASE64Decoder decoder=new BASE64Decoder ();
String s="";
Try {
Byte [] deContent=decoder. DecodeBuffer (content).//content
Byte [] ivByte=decoder. DecodeBuffer (strIV);//iv
Byte [] bytekey=decoder. DecodeBuffer (strKey);//bytekey

DESedeKeySpec spec=new DESedeKeySpec (bytekey);
SecretKeyFactory keyfactory=SecretKeyFactory. GetInstance (" desede ");
The Key deskey=keyfactory. GenerateSecret (spec);//key
Cipher Cipher=Cipher. GetInstance (" desede "+"/CBC/PKCS5Padding ");//PKCS7Padding desede "+"/CBC/ZeroPadding
IvParameterSpec ips=new IvParameterSpec (ivByte);
Cipher. The init (cipher DECRYPT_MODE, deskey, ips);//ENCRYPT_MODE, data encryption, decryption data DECRYPT_MODE,
Byte [] bOut=cipher. DoFinal (deContent);
S=new String (bOut);
} the catch (Exception e) {
Return s;

A small program that WeChat decryption;
Dec: function () {
Var keyHex=CryptoJS. Enc. Base64. Parse (" key ");
Var ivHex=CryptoJS. Enc. Base64. Parse (" iv ");
Var s1=CryptoJS. Enc. Base64. Parse (this. Data. The result)
The console. The log (CryptoJS);
Var decrypted=CryptoJS. DES. Decrypt ({
Ciphertext: CryptoJS enc. Utf8. Parse (s1)
KeyHex}, {
Iv: ivHex,
Mode: CryptoJS. Mode. CBC,
Padding: CryptoJS. Pad. Pkcs7
The console. The log (decrypted. ToString ());
Var s=sha1. Sha1 (decrypted. ToString ());//
The console. The log (s);
Return decrypted. ToString ();//

The data after decryption, unlike WeChat decryption, turn to the great god answer

CodePudding user response:

With Google's tripledes. Js decryption, files are too big don't pass,
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