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Special terminal test overview


Preparations for a,

1. Install the Android SDK
PC, that is, testing machine, the Android SDK installed, and add the environment variables:

Android: 1. The variable ANT_HOME value: % % \ apache ant - 1.8.4
2. Variables: the CLASSPATH value: C: \ Program Files \ Java \ jdk1.7.0 _07 \ lib \ dt jar; C: \ Program Files \ Java \ jdk1.7.0 _07 \ lib \ tools. The jar. .
Note: a, the point behind the ". "can be omitted; B, the JDK according to the different versions of the replace
3. Variables: JAVA_HOME value: C: \ Program Files \ Java \ jdk1.7.0 _07
4 variables: the Path value: C: \ Program Files \ Java \ jdk1.7.0 _07 \ bin. Android % % \ Android SDK \ tools; Android % % \ Android SDK \ platform - the tools; % ANT_HOME % \ bin

2. Use tcpdump application copy to android, and repair to the tcpdump permissions,
CMD command:
Adb push c:/tcpdump/data/local/tcpdump
The adb shell
Chmod 777/data/local/tcpdump

3. Enter the root (note: the cell phone have different root method, as shown in the online tutorials)

CMD command:
The adb shell
4. Run tcpdump
CMD command:
/data/local/tcpdump - p - vv - s 0 - w/sdcard/capture. Pcap
Use Ctrl + C terminal caught process

5. Copy caught data to PC
CMD command:
The adb pull/sdcard/capture. Pcap D:/

6. Use Wireshark analysis caught data

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