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After the APP was rejected, how to check the cause of the rejection?


After the APP was rejected, how to check the cause of the rejection? I searched emails and connect, Apple did not find they leave any text, this call I how to find the reason oh, let me guess? Is there a player encountered this kind of situation? How to find the cause of the rejection?

The following is the content of the email:
Thank you for date XXXXXX for review. During our review, we noticed what things that you 'l l need to address before your app can be approved for the app Store.

Understand the Review?
To find out according To your app wasn 't approved, go To Resolution Center in iTunes Connect. Keep in mind that there may be more than one reason according To your app was rejected. It' s also possible that we need more information about your app.

If you have a question about your app 's review and send us a message in Resolution Center. If you order -- to speak over the phone, just let us know in your message, and we' l l schedule a call.

Visit Resolution Center & gt;

Address the Issue?
After you understand the review, you 'l l need to make the necessary changes to fix the issue. If you need help making these changes, you can get advice from fellow developers and Apple experts in the Developer Forums. If you have a technical question that can "t be opportunities in the Developer Forums, you can request code - level technical support by want the code - level support page in your account on the Apple Developer website.

Resubmit Your App?
Sometimes, we just need some additional information about your app, or your app 's metadata needs to be edited. If this is the case, you don' t need to resubmit your app. The simple make the changes and send us a message in Resolution Center the when you 'r e done.

If other changes need to be made, you 'l l need to resubmit. After you do, we' l l typically respond within 48 hours, unless your app requires extra attention.

After we 've completed the review, we' l l update your app 's status and let you know.

Best regards,

App Store Review
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