Home > Mobile >  [with] the PHP to write the notify_url WeChat pay, don't know where is wrong, the great god, pl
[with] the PHP to write the notify_url WeChat pay, don't know where is wrong, the great god, pl


WeChat browser pay with WeChat JSAPI,
In the previous step is complete, can pay successfully, and can query the merchant platform to orders,
In dealing with "payment result notification notify_url" this step out of the question,

I do a carefully according to the document, but found no normal operation (corresponding fields in the database is not modified), don't know what went wrong,
 & lt; ? PHP 
//$response to the XML format array
$receivexml=json_decode (json_encode (simplexml_load_string ($response, 'simplexmlelements, LIBXML_NOCDATA)), true);

//[a] little program ID
$appid_xml=$receivexml (" appid ");
/[b] bank_type
$bank_type_xml=$receivexml [" bank_type "];
[c]//cash amount
$cash_fee_xml=$receivexml [" cash_fee "];
//[I] is focus on public accounts
$is_subscribe_xml=$receivexml [" is_subscribe "];
//[m] merchants
$McH_id_xml=$receivexml [" McH_id "];
//[n] random string
$nonce_str_xml=$receivexml [" nonce_str "];
//sign (op)
$openid_xml=$receivexml [" openid "];
///ou merchant order number
$out_trade_no_xml=$receivexml (" out_trade_no ");
//[r] business results
$result_code_xml=$receivexml (" result_code ");
///ti pay complete time
$time_end_xml=$receivexml [" time_end "];
//[to] order amount
$total_fee_xml=$receivexml (" total_fee ");
///trad transaction type JSAPI, NATIVE, APP
$trade_type_xml=$receivexml [" trade_type "];
///tran WeChat payment order number
$transaction_id_xml=$receivexml [" transaction_id "];

//sign [s]
$sign_xml=$receivexml (" sign ");

$return_code_xml=$receivexml [" return_code "];
$result_code_xml=$receivexml (" result_code ");

//spell reception signature string
$stringA='appid=' $appid_xml. '& amp; Bank_type='. $bank_type_xml. '& amp; Cash_fee='. $cash_fee_xml. '& amp; Is_subscribe='. $is_subscribe_xml. '& amp; McH_id='. $McH_id_xml. '& amp; Nonce_str='. $nonce_str_xml. '& amp; Openid='. $openid_xml. '& amp; Out_trade_no='. $out_trade_no_xml. '& amp; Result_code='. $result_code_xml. '& amp; Time_end='. $time_end_xml. '& amp; Total_fee='. $total_fee_xml. '& amp; Trade_type='. $trade_type_xml. '& amp; Transaction_id='$transaction_id_xml;

//stitching key
$stringSignTemp=$stringA. '& amp; Key=* * * * * * ';
//string and MD5 encryption to uppercase
The $sign=strtoupper (md5 ($stringSignTemp));

//need to increase the judge here
If ($return_code_xml=="SUCCESS" and $result_code_xml=="SUCCESS" and "$sign==$sign_xml) {

//here to execute a stored procedure, modify database information, will pay order number WeChat transaction_id write database

Return "& lt; Xml>


Tests, WeChat payment order number transaction_id did not write to the database,
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