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Under different type snsapi_userinfo/snsapi_login [with] the scope, the code for the different types


under the scope of the different types snsapi_userinfo/snsapi_login, code for the different types access_token?

Premise: access_token for cache to server
Snsapi_userinfo: page - represents can freely access, have no effect on
Snsapi_login: - must cache to their server, 10000/day

I understand:
A, if do snsapi_userinfo , through the code to obtain the openid/unionid, WeChat server refresh is page , does not affect other places using the , so can obtain infinite,
Second, doing snsapi_login (site scan code login) , to through the code to obtain the openid/unionid WeChat server refresh is (and at the same time back to the openid/unionid),
Means: based support access_token must refresh on the server side and on their server cache (the other place need to use

https://api.weixin.qq.com/sns/oauth2/access_token? Appid=APPID& Secret=SECRET& Code=CODE& Grant_type=authorization_code
That is to say, the interface, due to the different scope and different types affect the exchange for access_token?
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