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Can not find out is what reason, ask god to help, thank you


Take a look at the following code, I use the first code, remote database data can be read, but when using the second code will not be able to read a remote database code, only print out the "query" success, don't seem to be performed, the following code (using the studio software - kotlin)

This is the first piece of code and execution result in the following:
The import kotlin. Concurrent. Thread

Fun main () {
ZhusuInOut1 ()

Private fun zhusuInOut1 () {
Val queryInList1=ArrayList ()
Try {
Thread {
Val conn=DBUtil (.) conection ()
Try {
Val sql1="SELECT * FROM zhusuintable where name='75 g and color=' no '"
//create objects needed to execute SQL statements
//val statement: statement=conn!!!!! CreateStatement ()
Val preparedStatement=conn!!!!! . PrepareStatement (sql1)
//execute SQL query and retrieve the query information
//val rSet1: the ResultSet=statement. The executeQuery (sql1)
Val resultSet=preparedStatement. ExecuteQuery ()
Println (" query ")
While (resultSet. Next ()) {
Shuliang val tile1=the resultSet. Get string (" ")
QueryInList1. Add (tile1)
Println (" query data to set successful ")
For (I in queryInList1) {
Println (I)
{} the catch (e: Exception)
E.p rintStackTrace ()
{} the catch (e: Exception)
E.p rintStackTrace ()


The first piece of code execution result is as follows:
Query success
Join query data collection success
Join query data collection success

This is the second piece of code and execution result below:
The import android. OS. Bundle
The import android. Util. Log
The import kotlinx. Android. Synthetic. Main. Query_in_out_layout. *
The import kotlinx. Android. Synthetic. Main. Super_manager_layout. The toolbar
Import the Java. SQL. The ResultSet
Import the Java. SQL. SQLException
Import of Java, SQL Statement
The import kotlin. Concurrent. Thread

The class TestInOut: BaseActivity () {
Override fun onCreate (savedInstanceState: Bundle? {
Super. OnCreate (savedInstanceState)
The setContentView (R.l ayout. Test_in_out)
SetSupportActionBar (toolbar)

Thread {
TestQueryBtm. SetOnClickListener {
Try {
Thread {
Val conn=DBUtil (.) conection ()
Try {
Val queryInList1=ArrayList ()
Val sql1="SELECT * FROM zhusuintable where name='75 g and color=' no '"
//create objects needed to execute SQL statements
Val statement: statement=conn!!!!! CreateStatement ()
//val preparedStatement=conn!!!!! . PrepareStatement (sql1)
//execute SQL query and retrieve the query information
Val rSet1: the ResultSet=statement. ExecuteQuery (sql1)
//val resultSet=preparedStatement. ExecuteQuery ()
Println (" query ")
While (rSet1. Next ()) {
Shuliang val find1=rSet1. Get string (" ")
QueryInList1. Add (find1)
Println (" query data to set successful ")
{} the catch (e: Exception)
E.p rintStackTrace ()
Try {
Conn!!!!! The close ()
The d (" QueryInOut ", "close the database connection is successful,")
{} the catch (e: SQLException)
The d (" QueryInOut ", "close the connection fails,")
{} the catch (e: Exception)
E.p rintStackTrace ()

Private fun test11 () {


If the above code execution is as follows:

D/BaseActivity: TestInOut
I/System. Out: query success
D/QueryInOut: close the database connection is successful,
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