I have a file containing strings like :
[{ "ip": "", "timestamp": "1631581369", "ports": [ {"port": 80, "proto": "tcp", "status": "open", "reason": "syn-ack", "ttl": 42} ] }]
I tried the following command to get the output
cat output.json | jq -r '.[].ip,.[].ports[].port '
but the lines are seprated:
need a string like :
I tried
cat output.json | jq -r '.[].ip,.[].ports[].port | join(":")'
But i get error of running this command:
jq: error (at <stdin>:69): Cannot iterate over string ("")
CodePudding user response:
jq -r '.[] | .ip ":" ( .ports[].port | tostring )' output.json
Using join
, it would be
jq -r '.[] | .ip as $ip | .ports[].port as $port | [ $ip, $port ] | join(":")' output.json
Both of these solutions work with multiple IP addresses and with multiple ports per IP address.
CodePudding user response:
Using string interpolation :
jq -r '.[] | "\(.ip):\(.ports[].port)"' output.json