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How to convert seconds into minutes or hours in discord.py command on cooldown error


async def on_command_error(ctx,error):
  if isinstance(error , commands.CommandOnCooldown):
    await ctx.send(f'{ctx.author.mention}**hold your horses buddy <:iac_namaste:841266597318361098>**')
    await ctx.send('Try again in {:2f}s'.format(error.retry_after))

I have added cooldowns on one of my command for 20 min

@commands.cooldown(1 , 1200, type=commands.BucketType.user)

and it is working fine but I'm not getting the output in min or hr format

enter image description here

I want it to send something like try again in 20 min , and also show how many min's left

CodePudding user response:

The best way would be to just use the new discord timestamp format

import time  # Add this to the top

# Then in the error handler
await ctx.send('Try again in <t:{}:R>'.format(int(time.time()   error.retry_after)))
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