I'm using ggplot to visualize many linear regressions and facet them by groups. I'd like geom_smooth() to show the trend line as one color if P < 0.05, a different color if P < 0.10, and not show it at all if P ≥ 0.10.
I managed to do this using a loop to extract P-values from lm() for each regression, then join them with the data used for plotting. Then I add another column of color names to pass to aes(), determined conditionally from the P-values, and use scale_color_identity() to achieve my goal.
Here's an example:
#make mtcars a tibble and cyl a factor, for convenience
mtcars1 <- as_tibble(mtcars) %>% dplyr::mutate(cyl = as.factor(cyl))
#initialize a list to store p-values from lm() for each level of factor
p.list <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(levels(mtcars1$cyl)))
names(p.list) <- levels(mtcars1$cyl)
#loop to calculate p-values for each level of mtcars$cyl
for(i in seq_along(levels(mtcars1$cyl))){
mtcars.sub <- mtcars1 %>% dplyr::filter(cyl == levels(.$cyl)[i])
lm.pval <- mtcars.sub %>%
dplyr::distinct(cyl) %>%
dplyr::mutate(P =
summary(lm(mpg ~ disp, data = mtcars.sub))$coefficients[2,4] ##extract P-value
p.list[[i]] <- lm.pval
#join p-values to dataset and add column to use with scale_color_identity()
mtcars.p <- mtcars1 %>% dplyr::left_join(dplyr::bind_rows(p.list, .id = "cyl"), by = "cyl") %>%
dplyr::mutate(p.color = ifelse(P < 0.05, "black",
ifelse(P < 0.10, "lightblue", NA)))
ggplot(data = mtcars.p, aes(x = disp, y = mpg))
geom_smooth(method = "lm",
se = FALSE,
aes(color = p.color))
scale_color_identity(name = NULL,
na.translate = FALSE,
labels = c("P < 0.05", "P < 0.10"),
guide = "legend")
facet_wrap(~cyl, scales = "free")
This seems like too many initial steps for something that should be relatively easy. Are these steps necessary, or is there a more efficient way of doing this? Can ggplot or any other packages out there do this on their own, without having to first extract p-values from lm()?
CodePudding user response:
We may simplify the steps with a group by operation and also instead of extracting each component, the output can be in a tibble with tidy
from broom
mtcars1 %>%
group_by(cyl) %>%
summarise(out = list(tidy(lm(mpg ~ disp, data = cur_data())))) %>%
# A tibble: 6 x 6
cyl term estimate std.error statistic p.value
<fct> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 4 (Intercept) 40.9 3.59 11.4 0.00000120
2 4 disp -0.135 0.0332 -4.07 0.00278
3 6 (Intercept) 19.1 2.91 6.55 0.00124
4 6 disp 0.00361 0.0156 0.232 0.826
5 8 (Intercept) 22.0 3.35 6.59 0.0000259
6 8 disp -0.0196 0.00932 -2.11 0.0568
CodePudding user response:
After specifying your regression function, you can include the line function within ggplot:
myline<-lm(mpg ~ disp, data = mtcars)
ggplot(data = mtcars, aes(x = disp, y = mpg))
geom_abline(slope = coef(myline)[[2]], intercept = coef(myline)[[1]], color='blue')
scale_color_identity(name = NULL,
na.translate = FALSE,
labels = c("P < 0.05", "P < 0.10"),
guide = "legend")
facet_wrap(~cyl, scales = "free")
The same as above, you can use this geom_smooth() command as well:
geom_smooth(slope = coef(myline)[[2]], intercept = coef(myline)[[1]], color='blue',se=F,method='lm')