I have made a data frame consisting of NFL stats. This data frame contains team name, how many yards they have allowed, if this was passing or rushing, and the total of the yards. I want to create a stacked bar chart with the x axis ordered in ascending order. I have used reorder()
but for some reason the Panthers values are flipped and appear much higher than the rest (even though they have the lowest total). I have made other graphs this same way with no problems. I tried manually setting the y axis limit but that did not solve my problem. My question is why is this happening and what have I missed?
I am also open on ways to make this more efficient.
#Read and organise data
def = read_html("https://www.pro-football-reference.com/years/2021/opp.htm")
defense = html_table(def)
defense = defense[[1]]
colnames(defense) = defense[1,]
defense = defense[c(-1,-34,-35,-36),]
names = c("rank", "team", "games", "points_against", "yards_conceded", "off_plays_faced",
"yards_per_off_play", "TO", "fumbles_recovered", "1stD_faced", "pass_cmp",
"pass_att", "pass_yd_conceded", "pass_td_conceded", "int_recovered",
"net_yd_pass_att", "pass_1stD_against", "rush_att", "rush_yards_conceded",
"rush_td_conceded", "rush_yards_per_att", "rush_1stD_conceded", "pen_against",
"pen_yards_conceded", "pen_1stD", "off_score_percent", "turnover_percent",
colnames(defense) = names
# Get passing and rushing totals
passing_def = data.table(defense$team, defense$pass_yd_conceded, rep("pass", 32))
rushing_def = data.table(defense$team, defense$rush_yards_conceded, rep("rush", 32))
sums = rep(rowSums(cbind(as.numeric(passing_def$V2), as.numeric(rushing_def$V2))),2)
# join them and add the total yards
yds_conc = rbind(passing_def, rushing_def)
yds_conc = data.table(yds_conc, sums)
colnames(yds_conc) = c("team", "conceded", "type", "sums")
# Create the plot so that the teams are sorted from left to right by total yards given up
defplot = ggplot(data = yds_conc, aes(fill = type, x = reorder(team, sums),
y = conceded))
geom_bar(stat = 'identity')
scale_fill_manual(name = "Play Type",labels=c("Passing","Rushing"),
values = c("#006aff", "#4fb350"))
ggtitle('2021 Season Defense: Total Yards Conceded per Play Type') ylab("Avg Rank")
theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(),
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 60, vjust = 1, hjust=1),
axis.ticks.y = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_blank())
CodePudding user response:
add this
then run the same script will work