Home > Software design >  Spring batch: How to split and process the CSV file processing?
Spring batch: How to split and process the CSV file processing?


I have a spring batch application that uses Azure SQL server as a backend, I am using Hibernate to update the database.

I am reading the data from CSV file using FlatfileReader & writing into Azure SQL Server using ItemWriter as mentioned below

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

    @Table(name = "STUDENTS")
    public class Student implements Serializable {
        @SequenceGenerator(name="student_sequence",sequenceName="student_sequence", allocationSize = 1)
        @Column(name="STUDENT_ID", unique = true)
        private Long studentId;
        @Column(name = "STUDENT_NAME")
        private String studentName;
        @Column(name = "ENROLLED_DATE")
        private Date enrolledDate;
        public String getStudentName() {
            return studentName;
        public void setStudentName(String studentName) {
            this.studentName = studentName;
        public Date getEnrolledDate() {
            return enrolledDate;
        public void setEnrolledDate(Date enrolledDate) {
            this.enrolledDate = enrolledDate;
        public String toString() {
            return "Student [studentId="   studentId   ", studentName="   studentName   ", enrolledDate="   enrolledDate

enter image description here

public class StudentMapper implements FieldSetMapper<Student> {

    private SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
    public Student mapFieldSet(FieldSet fieldSet) throws BindException {
        Student student = new Student();
        student.setEnrolledDate(new Date());

        return student;


enter image description here

public class Reader implements ItemReader<FlatFileItemReader<Student>> {

    public FlatFileItemReader<Student> read() throws Exception, UnexpectedInputException, ParseException, NonTransientResourceException {
        // Data Sources
        Resource inputCsv = new ClassPathResource("demo01/input/record.csv");

        // Spring Batch's built-in reader
        FlatFileItemReader<Student> reader = new FlatFileItemReader<Student>();
        DelimitedLineTokenizer tokenizer = new DelimitedLineTokenizer();
        String[] tokens = {"studentname"};
        DefaultLineMapper<Student> lineMapper = new DefaultLineMapper<Student>();
        lineMapper.setFieldSetMapper(new StudentMapper());
        return reader;

enter image description here

public class Processor implements ItemProcessor<Student, Student> {

    public Student process(Student item) throws Exception {
        System.out.println("Processing..."   item);
        return item;


enter image description here

public class Writer implements ItemWriter<Student> {

    private SessionFactory sessionFactory;

    public void write(List<? extends Student> list) throws Exception {
        HibernateItemWriter<Student> hibernateItemWriter = new HibernateItemWriter<Student>();

I will be getting the complete the single CSV file to be processed and I don't want to split the CSV, so I will be using the same Reader process to read the CSV records. However I want to introduce multiple Processor & Writer to improve the performance. something like AsyncItemProcessor

<bean id="student" class="com.mkyong.entity.Student" scope="prototype" />

<batch:job id="helloWorldJob">
    <batch:step id="step1">

<bean id="cvsFileItemReader" class="com.mkyong.batch.Reader" />

<bean id="itemProcessor" class="com.mkyong.batch.Processor" />

<bean id="itemWriter" class="com.mkyong.batch.Writer" />

How do I convert this to support AsyncItemProcessor?

CodePudding user response:

Before going async or parallel, you should first fix the code you shared. The Reader class is incorrect. It is currently declared to read items of type FlatFileItemReader and not Student. The read method should return items of type Student and not the reader itself. This class is not needed, you can use the FlatFileItemReader provided by Spring Batch directly in your step.

Same thing for the writer, you can use HibernateItemWriter directly in your step.

Now to answer your question about using an asynchronous processor and writer, you need to wrap your processor in a AsyncItemProcessor and your writer in a AsyncItemWriter. You can find more details and a code example here: Asynchronous Processors.

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