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How do I add list elements to Angular when a button is pressed?


Ok, so I am working on a website that will be used to control a robot, and I want to be able to input latitude and longitude coordinates, press a button, and then add those coordinates to an angular list element.

enter image description here

Here's an image of the website. The two input fields and the button are in the far right card. Basically, I want to be able to type in the latitude and longitude, hit the 'Add Waypoint' button, and then I want the list element to update with that information.

Here is my html code:

<mat-grid-list cols = "8" rowHeight = 350px>
<mat-grid-tile style = "background-color: royalblue;" colspan = "2">
        <mat-card-title>Rotation Data</mat-card-title>
            <mat-slider class="slider" [(ngModel)] = "sliderVal1"></mat-slider>
              class = "example-margin"
              [color] = "color"
              [mode] = "mode"
              [value] = "sliderVal1"
              [bufferValue] = "sliderVal1">
            <p>Pitch: {{sliderVal1}}</p>
            <mat-slider class="slider" [(ngModel)] = "sliderVal2"></mat-slider>
              class = "example-margin"
              [color] = "color"
              [mode] = "mode"
              [value] = "sliderVal2"
              [bufferValue] = "sliderVal2">
            <p>Roll: {{sliderVal2}}</p>

<mat-grid-tile style = "background-color: royalblue;"  colspan = "2">
        <mat-card-title>Driving Controls</mat-card-title>
            <p>Speed: {{sliderVal3}}</p>
            <mat-slider class="slider" [(ngModel)] = "sliderVal3"></mat-slider>
            <p>Turning: {{sliderVal4}}</p>
            <mat-slider class="slider" [(ngModel)] = "sliderVal4"></mat-slider>
            <p>Configuration Mode: 0</p>
            <button mat-button [matMenuTriggerFor]="menu">Default Driving</button>
            <mat-menu #menu="matMenu">
                <button mat-menu-item>1</button>
                <button mat-menu-item>2</button>
            <div class = "reset-button">
                <button mat-button color="primary" (click) = "resetControls()">Reset Controls</button>

<mat-grid-tile style = "background-color: royalblue;" colspan = "4">
    <mat-card class = "colspan-4">
            <mat-grid-list cols = "3" rowHeight = "85px">
                    <mat-form-field  appearance="fill">
                        <input matInput type="text" [(ngModel)]="latValue">
                        <button *ngIf="latValue" matSuffix mat-icon-button aria-label="Clear" (click)="latValue=''">
                    <mat-form-field  appearance="fill">
                        <input matInput type="text" [(ngModel)]="lonValue">
                        <button *ngIf="lonValue" matSuffix mat-icon-button aria-label="Clear" (click)="lonValue=''">
                    <button mat-button color="primary">Add Waypoint</button>
                        <div mat-subheader>Waypoints</div>
                            <mat-icon mat-list-icon>place</mat-icon>
                            <div mat-line>Waypoint 1</div>
                            <div mat-line>{{latValue}}, {{lonValue}}</div>

CodePudding user response:

Define an array of waypoints aswell as a method to add them in your component.ts:

  waypoints: {lat: number, lon: number}[] = [];

  addWaypoint() {
    this.waypoints.push({lat: this.latValue, lon: this.lonValue});

Add a click event to your button:

<button (click)="addWaypoint()">Add Waypoint</button>

Iterate your waypoints with *ngFor:

<div *ngFor="let waypoint of waypoints">
    <div>{{waypoint.lat}}, {{waypoint.lon}}</div>

I used a div here, but you can just use *ngFor in every element (mat-list-item in your case).

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