This is my code currently:
from loguru import logger
def fibonacci(n, s="% s"):
Using recursive method
# logger.debug(f"Finding {n}th Fibonacci number")
logger.debug(s % ("fib(%d)" % (n)))
a = 0
b = 1
if n <= 0:
return a
elif n in (1, 2):
return b
return fibonacci(n - 1, s % ("fib(%d) %%s" % (n - 1))) fibonacci(n - 2, s % ("fib(%d) %%s" % (n - 2)))
My goal is to show the recursive tree in the log such as for fibonacci(5)
fib(4) fib(3)
(fib(3) fib(2)) (fib(2) fib(1))
and so on...
Is this possible? Current code didn't produce the expected output.
Current output:
fib(4) fib(4)
fib(4) fib(3) fib(3)
fib(4) fib(3) fib(2) fib(2)
fib(4) fib(3) fib(1) fib(1)
fib(4) fib(2) fib(2)
fib(3) fib(3)
fib(3) fib(2) fib(2)
fib(3) fib(1) fib(1)
The idea:
CodePudding user response:
One way could be for each call in the recursion to "report" itself to its location in a record of the tree. Then we can iterate level by level. Something like:
def f(n):
t = ["None"] * (2**(n-1) 1)
def g(n, i):
l = "(" if i & 1 else ""
r = ")" if not (i & 1) else ""
t[i] = "%sfib(%s)%s" % (l, n, r)
if n > 1:
g(n-1, 2*i 1)
g(n-2, 2*i 2)
g(n, 0)
i = 1
while 2**i-1 < len(t):
print(" ".join(t[2**i-1:2**(i 1)-1]))
i = 1
(fib(4) fib(3))
(fib(3) fib(2)) (fib(2) fib(1))
(fib(2) fib(1)) (fib(1) fib(0)) (fib(1) fib(0)) None None
(fib(1) fib(0))
CodePudding user response:
You could define a class to hold binary tree nodes and build the tree as the result of the recursive fibonacci function:
class BNode:
def __init__(self,value,left=None,right=None):
self.value = value
self.left = left
self.right = right
def print(self):
printBTree(self,nodeInfo=lambda n:(str(n.value),n.left,n.right))
from functools import lru_cache
@lru_cache() # optimize object count
def fiboTree(n): # (n is an index, not a count)
if n<2: return BNode(n)
a,b = fiboTree(n-2),fiboTree(n-1)
return BNode(a.value b.value,a,b)
____________/ \____________
5 8
_____/ \____ _______/ \______
2 3 3 5
/ \ __/ \_ __/ \_ _____/ \____
1 1 1 2 1 2 2 3
/ \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ __/ \_
0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
/ \ / \ / \ / \ / \
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1
/ \
0 1
You can find the printBTree
function here
If you only need to illustrate the call hierarchy, you can use the printBTree function directly:
def fibo(n):
n=int(n) # linking with strings to let zero come out as a node
return (f"fibo({n})",[None,str(n-2)][n>1], [None,str(n-1)][n>1])
____________/ \____________
fibo(3) fibo(4)
/ \ _____/ \____
fibo(1) fibo(2) fibo(2) fibo(3)
/ \ / \ / \
fibo(0) fibo(1) fibo(0) fibo(1) fibo(1) fibo(2)
/ \
fibo(0) fibo(1)
To print as you go, I would suggest using indentation to convey the call hierarchy otherwise the repeated additions will be hard to relate to their callers.
def fibo(n,indent=""):
if n<2: return n
print(indent[:-3] "|_ "*bool(indent)
f"fibo({n}) = fibo({n-2}) fibo({n-1})")
return fibo(n-2,indent "| ") fibo(n-1,indent " ")
fibo(7) = fibo(5) fibo(6)
|_ fibo(5) = fibo(3) fibo(4)
| |_ fibo(3) = fibo(1) fibo(2)
| | |_ fibo(2) = fibo(0) fibo(1)
| |_ fibo(4) = fibo(2) fibo(3)
| |_ fibo(2) = fibo(0) fibo(1)
| |_ fibo(3) = fibo(1) fibo(2)
| |_ fibo(2) = fibo(0) fibo(1)
|_ fibo(6) = fibo(4) fibo(5)
|_ fibo(4) = fibo(2) fibo(3)
| |_ fibo(2) = fibo(0) fibo(1)
| |_ fibo(3) = fibo(1) fibo(2)
| |_ fibo(2) = fibo(0) fibo(1)
|_ fibo(5) = fibo(3) fibo(4)
|_ fibo(3) = fibo(1) fibo(2)
| |_ fibo(2) = fibo(0) fibo(1)
|_ fibo(4) = fibo(2) fibo(3)
|_ fibo(2) = fibo(0) fibo(1)
|_ fibo(3) = fibo(1) fibo(2)
|_ fibo(2) = fibo(0) fibo(1)