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How to monthly summarise daily data, using dplyr, only if less than 10 days per month are NAs?


I have a dataframe with daily meteorological data from a site and I want to summarize them in monthly averages but only if the number of NAs in each month is less than 10.

Data sample: exmpldf

1955-06-01 NA
1955-06-02 NA
1955-06-03 NA
1955-06-04 NA
1955-06-05 NA
1955-06-06 NA
1955-06-07 NA
1955-06-08 NA
1955-06-09 20
1955-06-10 23
1955-06-11 23
1955-06-12 21.5
1955-06-13 24
1955-06-14 26.5
1955-06-15 27
1955-06-16 27

For the monthly aggregation I used mutate from dplyr library to create a column "MONTH" and a column "YEAR"

exmpldf <- exmpldf %>%
  mutate(month(DATE), year(DATE))
names(exmpldf) <- c("DATE", "TMAX", "MONTH", "YEAR")
1955-06-01 NA 6 1955
1955-06-02 NA 6 1955
1955-06-03 NA 6 1955
1955-06-04 NA 6 1955
1955-06-05 NA 6 1955
1955-06-06 NA 6 1955
1955-06-07 NA 6 1955
1955-06-08 NA 6 1955
1955-06-09 20 6 1955
1955-06-10 23 6 1955
1955-06-11 23 6 1955
1955-06-12 21.5 6 1955
1955-06-13 24 6 1955
1955-06-14 26.5 6 1955
1955-06-15 27 6 1955
1955-06-16 27 6 1955

To create the monthly average I used summarize, also from dplyr:

exmpldfmeanMonth <- exmpldf %>%
  group_by(MONTH, YEAR) %>%
  summarise(TMAX = mean(TMAX))

The problem is that there are many months that have at least 1 NA and others have 25 or 30 NAs, in any case, the mean result is NA. You could add na.rm = T but then it calculates the mean even if there is only one data per month.

So I would like to generate a conditional that calculates the average only if there are 10 or less NAs per month, otherwise it should be considered as NA.

I tried without success:

exmpldfmeanMonth <- exmpldf %>%
  group_by(MONTH, YEAR) %>%
  summarise_if(is.na(exmpldf$TMAX)<=10, PRCP = mean(TMAX, na.rm = T), NA)


exmpldfmeanMonth <- exmpldf %>%
  group_by(MONTH, YEAR) %>%
  summarise(PRCP = ifelse(is.na(exmpldf$TMAX)<=10, mean(TMAX, na.rm = T), NA))

Could you please guide me on how to solve this? Thank you very much in advance!

CodePudding user response:

Please, find one alternative based on your approach using the packages data.table and lubridate:


  • Code

setDT(df1)[, DATE := as_date(DATE)][,  c("month", "year") := c(lapply(.SD, month), lapply(.SD, year)), .SDcols = c("DATE")
                                    ][, .(PRCP = fifelse(sum(is.na(TMAX)) <= 10, mean(TMAX, na.rm = TRUE), NA_real_)), by = .(month, year)][]
  • Case 1: NA <= 10

1.1 Your data:

df1 <- data.frame(DATE = c("1955-06-01", "1955-06-02", "1955-06-03", "1955-06-04",
                           "1955-06-05", "1955-06-06", "1955-06-07", "1955-06-08",
                           "1955-06-09", "1955-06-10", "1955-06-11", "1955-06-12",
                           "1955-06-13", "1955-06-14", "1955-06-15", "1955-06-16"),
                  TMAX = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 20, 23, 23, 21.5, 24, 26.5,
                           27, 27))

2.2 Output:

#>    month year PRCP
#> 1:     6 1955   24
  • Case 2: NA > 10

2.1 Your data:

df1 <- data.frame(DATE = c("1955-06-01", "1955-06-02", "1955-06-03", "1955-06-04",
                           "1955-06-05", "1955-06-06", "1955-06-07", "1955-06-08",
                           "1955-06-09", "1955-06-10", "1955-06-11", "1955-06-12",
                           "1955-06-13", "1955-06-14", "1955-06-15", "1955-06-16"),
                  TMAX = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 21.5, 24, 26.5,
                           27, 27))

2.2 Output:

#>    month year PRCP
#> 1:     6 1955   NA

Created on 2021-10-28 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

CodePudding user response:


df %>% 
  mutate(month = month(DATE),
         year = year(DATE)) %>% 
  group_by(month, year) %>% 
  summarize(prcp = if (sum(is.na(TMAX)) <= 10) mean(TMAX, na.rm = T) else NA,
            .groups = "drop")

Alternatively, when you summarize you could count the number of NA and then add a mutate statement to conditionally change prcp:

df %>% 
  mutate(month = month(DATE),
         year = year(DATE)) %>% 
  group_by(month, year) %>% 
  summarize(prcp = mean(TMAX, na.rm = T),
            numna = sum(is.na(TMAX)), # count number of NA
            .groups = "drop") %>% 
  mutate(prcp = ifelse(numna > 10, NA, prcp)) %>% 


In the data you've shown there is only one month and year combination and that grouping has more than 10 NA:

  month  year prcp 
1     6  1955 NA   
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