I'm new to matplotlib, and trying to plot something quite difficult.
I would like to plot something like (taken from the
Except, I want the timeline (x-axis) and stems to have labels in time, like:
timeline = ['0:01:00', '0:02:00', '0:03:00', '0:04:00', ...]
stems1 = ['0:01:45', '0:03:55', '0:04:22', ...]
stems2 = ['0:02:21', '0:06:54', ...
- Timeline ticks are evenly spaced
don't necesarily have the same number of points, but are in order (like a video timeline)
It would be even better if stems1
and stems2
were different colors.
If anyone could point me in the right direction, or even code a working example, it'd be greatly appreciated! Thank you for reading.
Following @r-beginners's answer to
The issue is that the graphs are overlapping, stem color are both red, and the stems don't align with the timeline.
Edit 2:
With @r-beginners code, I've tried it with 2 new stems, where stem1
isn't being plotted completely:
stem1 = ['0:08:08', '0:08:52', '0:09:42', '0:10:20', '0:10:55', '0:11:24', '0:12:31', '0:13:07', '0:13:45', '0:14:16', '0:14:49', '0:15:20', '0:15:51', '0:16:21', '0:16:53', '0:17:28', '0:19:01', '0:19:22', '0:20:19', '0:20:48', '0:21:19', '0:22:05', '0:23:06', '0:23:34', '0:24:03', '0:24:30', '0:24:51', '0:25:18', '0:25:54', '0:26:25', '0:27:07', '0:28:05', '0:29:04', '0:29:30', '0:30:34', '0:32:57', '0:33:28', '0:33:57', '0:34:35', '0:35:01', '0:35:41', '0:36:06', '0:36:30', '0:37:01', '0:37:33', '0:38:06', '0:38:40', '0:39:21', '0:40:02', '0:40:22', '0:40:42', '0:41:32', '0:41:56', '0:43:20', '0:43:39', '0:44:02', '0:44:26', '0:45:04', '0:45:32', '0:46:02', '0:47:00', '0:47:42', '0:48:05', '0:48:35', '0:49:02', '0:49:25', '0:49:56', '0:50:43', '0:51:25', '0:51:43', '0:52:18', '0:52:49', '0:53:08']
stem2 = ['0:09:49', '0:10:24', '0:14:27', '0:24:31', '0:26:03']
Code afterwards:
# Create figure
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(100, 10), constrained_layout=True)
# Stem values
names = [e for row in zip(stem1, stem2) for e in row]
# Timeline
timeline = [datetime.datetime.strptime(n, '%H:%M:%S') for n in names]
# Stem levels
levels = np.tile([-5, 5, -3, 3, -1, 1], int(np.ceil(len(names)/6)))[:len(names)]
# Stems
ax.vlines(timeline, 0, levels, color='tab:red')
# Plot timeline
ax.plot(timeline, np.zeros_like(timeline), "-o", color="k", markerfacecolor="w")
# Plot GT labels and predictions
for time, level, name in zip(timeline, levels, names):
ax.annotate(name, xy=(time, level),
xytext=(15, np.sign(level)*3),
textcoords='offset points',
verticalalignment='bottom' if level > 0 else 'top',
color='green' if level > 0 else 'blue')
# De-clutter axes
ax.spines[["left", "top", "right"]].set_visible(False)
# ...
minutes = mdates.MinuteLocator(interval=1)
minutes_fmt = mdates.DateFormatter('%M:%S')
# Rotate x-ticks
plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=30, ha="right")
# Save figure
plt.savefig('test.png', bbox_inches='tight')
CodePudding user response:
The data was only partially available, so I created it appropriately. I have solved your problem by referring to the official example that you refer to. For overlapping strings, create a list of positive and negative placement heights and draw a vertical line in red. Convert the stem information to time series information and draw a timeline. In the annotation looping process, the placement height value is judged for placement and color to distinguish them. The time series representation of the x-axis is set by MinuteLocator to determine the time format.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
from datetime import datetime
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16, 4), constrained_layout=True)
ax.set(title="Time line demo ")
stem1 = ['0:08:08', '0:08:52', '0:09:42', '0:10:20', '0:10:55', '0:11:24', '0:12:31', '0:13:07', '0:13:45', '0:14:16', '0:14:49', '0:15:20', '0:15:51', '0:16:21', '0:16:53', '0:17:28', '0:19:01', '0:19:22', '0:20:19', '0:20:48', '0:21:19', '0:22:05', '0:23:06', '0:23:34', '0:24:03', '0:24:30', '0:24:51', '0:25:18', '0:25:54', '0:26:25', '0:27:07', '0:28:05', '0:29:04', '0:29:30', '0:30:34', '0:32:57', '0:33:28', '0:33:57', '0:34:35', '0:35:01', '0:35:41', '0:36:06', '0:36:30', '0:37:01', '0:37:33', '0:38:06', '0:38:40', '0:39:21', '0:40:02', '0:40:22', '0:40:42', '0:41:32', '0:41:56', '0:43:20', '0:43:39', '0:44:02', '0:44:26', '0:45:04', '0:45:32', '0:46:02', '0:47:00', '0:47:42', '0:48:05', '0:48:35', '0:49:02', '0:49:25', '0:49:56', '0:50:43', '0:51:25', '0:51:43', '0:52:18', '0:52:49', '0:53:08']
stem2 = ['0:09:49', '0:10:24', '0:14:27', '0:24:31', '0:26:03']
stems = stem1 stem2
timelines = sorted([datetime.strptime(s, '%H:%M:%S') for s in stem])
labels = [datetime.strftime(t, '%H:%M:%S') for t in timelines]
levels = np.tile([-7, 7, -5, 5, -3, 3, -1, 1], int(np.ceil(len(timelines)/8)))[:len(timelines)]
ax.vlines(timelines, 0, levels, color='tab:red')
ax.plot(timelines, np.zeros_like(timelines), "-o", color="k", markerfacecolor="w")
for t, l, b in zip(timelines, levels, labels):
if datetime.strftime(t, '%H:%M:%S')[1:] in stem2:
color = 'blue'
color = 'green'
ax.annotate(b, xy=(t, l),
xytext=(22, np.sign(l)*3), textcoords='offset points',
verticalalignment='bottom' if l > 0 else 'top',
ax.spines[["left", "top", "right"]].set_visible(False)
ax.spines['bottom'].set_position(('data', -8))
minutes = mdates.MinuteLocator(interval=1)
minutes_fmt = mdates.DateFormatter('%M:%S')
plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=90, ha='center')