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How to convert string to JSON object and display in react component?


I'm very new to React and Javascript. I am creating a simple search feature using React and Nodejs where you are able to search for tutors. I am trying to print the output of the search using react. My express server sends a response in the form of a string. It looks like the following:

'[{"tutorID":1,"email":"[email protected]","firstName":"John","lastName":"Doe","courseTeaching":"csc510","imageReference":" http://localhost:3001/john.png "}]'

I want to be able to display every key and its value in the form of a table. Can someone please help me achieve this?

The code for my search in react is given below:

import React, {useState} from 'react';
import "./SearchForm.css"; 
import SearchIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Search';
import DisplayResults from './DisplayResults.js'; 

class SearchForm extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
            selectedCategory: '',
            textSearch: '',
            searchResponse: []

        this.handleInputChange = this.handleInputChange.bind(this);
        this.handleSubmit = this.handleSubmit.bind(this);

    handleInputChange(event) {
        const target = event.target;
        const value = target.value;
        const name = target.name;

        this.setState( {
            [target.name]: value

    handleSubmit(event) {
        let cat = this.state.selectedCategory;
        let searchquery = this.state.textSearch; 

        fetch(`http://localhost:3000/onSubmit?param1=${cat}&param2=${searchquery}`, {
            method: "GET",
            headers: {
                'Content-type': 'application/json'
        .then((result, err) => result.json())
        .then(contents => {
            this.setState({ searchResponse: contents}, function() {

    render() {
        return (
            <p className="greeting">Hi, what would you like to search?</p>
            <form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>
            <div className="wrapper">

               <select class="theme" 
                    <option value="all">Search All</option>
                    <option value="tutors">Tutors</option>
                    <option value="Courses">Courses</option>
                <input className="searchBar" 

                <div className="searchIcon">       
                    <SearchIcon onClick={this.handleSubmit}/>


            <DisplayResults searchResults={this.state.searchResponse}/>

export default SearchForm;

The code for the DisplayResults is below:

import React from 'react'; 

class DisplayResults extends React.Component {

    render() {
        return ( 

export default DisplayResults; 

Any help would be much appreciated, thank you.

CodePudding user response:

What you could do if the response was JSON is to use the .map property.

In this example I omitted the ' ' (at the start and end) from your set of data, to make it valid json.

let object = [{
"tutorID": 1,
"email": "[email protected]",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"courseTeaching": "csc510",
"imageReference": " http://localhost:3001/john.png "

So you could probably do something like this to access the values.

const listItems = object.map((object) => console.log(object.tutorID))

So with .map you can return a component with the data, you just mapped over.

So after that it's up to you what you want to do with the data. So you can create a table, or use one from Bootstrap or something similar and just map the values out.


If I said anything wrong, or if I didn't quite give you the answer you wanted then let me know.

CodePudding user response:

  1. [Inside SearchForm] After receiving the response, let's turn your string data into something usable. Parse your string to an array of objects using JSON.parse(YOUR_DATA). You can then set your searchResponse state to this array.
  2. [Inside DisplayResults] You have an array of objects, so iterate over them using YOUR_DATA.map(). Your map function should return some JSX. In this case you are making a table. This is a function which creates the table. We use Object.values(YOUR_OBJECT) to get all the values (e.g. John, Doe ...) and Object.keys(YOUR_OBJECT) to get the keys (e.g. firstName, lastName). You can use something like this in your render() function to create the table.
    const createTable = () => {
        const tableHeaders = (  // Get the table headers from the first person, OR enter them manually.
                {Object.keys(this.props.searchResults[0]).map(headerTitle => <th>{headerTitle}</th>)}
        // All the content rows of the table.
        const tableRows = this.props.searchResults.map((tutor) => (
            <tr> {/* this is one row of the table. It is filled with td's which each have a piece of information about the tutor. */}
                {Object.values(tutor).map(value => ( // for each of the properties of the tutor, we create a table cell.
        // The actual table, with table headers and table rows.
        return (
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