Home > Software design >  Im trying to get data from an Api with 100 results limit but im getting an issue when using timestam
Im trying to get data from an Api with 100 results limit but im getting an issue when using timestam


I wanted to do a simple script that calculates the number of certain actions in the game . The game has an api that is limited to 100 results per request, that is why they have unix timestamps if you want to go further and keep searching in a loop,the issue is that i take all 100 timestamps from the results add them to a list and sort them to take the last one and use it in the next request until there are no more results, but using the code below 1- The code doesn't exit 2- After debugging the code the code changes the timestamp only once

import requests
import json
import time

c = 0
link = "https://api.torn.com/user/"
key = "secret_api_key"
Monarch_Engineering = {
        "dummmyId":[0,0,0,0,0],# user id : success, fail, bad, good, number of revs payed
Monarch = {
        "dummmyId":[0,0,0,0,0],# user id : success, fail, bad, good, number of revs payed
non_contract = {
        "dummmyId":[0,0,0],# user id : success, fail, number of revs payed

def search(frm,tt,ky=key):
    parameter = {

        "selections" : "revives",
        "key"        : ky,
        "from"       : frm,
        "to"         : tt
    timestamp = True
    while True:
        with requests.get(link,params=parameter) as resp:
            respon = json.loads(resp.text)
        # Makes the get request and returns json
        # transforms json str to a dictionary
        if resp.status_code != 200 :
            print("Request Error : ",resp.status_code, "\nExiting ....")
        if "error" in respon.keys():
            print(respon['error']['error'] " Error Code : ", respon['error']['code'])
            q = input("Do you Want to continue Y/N : ").lower()
            if q != "y":
                print("script exiting ......")
            # makes sure that it is a successful
            # wait for a user input here to confirm the issue also print the error code
        # to prevent getting banned 
        timestamp = bool(respon['revives'])
        if timestamp !=True :
        print(parameter)# for debuging
        parameter['from'] = revive(respon)

def revive(respond):
    global c
    global Monarch_Engineering
    global Monarch
    global non_contract
    ff = [] # timestamps list
    if "revives" not in respond.keys():
        print("error no revs found ")
    for key in respond["revives"]:
        c =1
        tkey = respond['revives'][key]
        uid = tkey['target_id']
        # if in ME
        if tkey['target_faction'] == 7835 :
            if uid not in Monarch_Engineering:
            if "hospitalized" in tkey['target_hospital_reason'].lower() and tkey['chance'] >= 50:
                Monarch_Engineering[uid][3] =1
                if tkey['result'].lower() == "success":
                    Monarch_Engineering[uid][0] =1
                    Monarch_Engineering[uid][1] =1
                Monarch_Engineering[uid][2] =1

        elif tkey['target_faction'] == 8336 :
            if uid not in Monarch:
            if "hospitalized" in tkey['target_hospital_reason'].lower() and tkey['chance'] >= 40:
                Monarch[uid][3] =1
                if tkey['result'].lower() == "success":
                    Monarch[uid][0] =1
                    Monarch[uid][1] =1
                Monarch[uid][2] =1
            if uid not in non_contract:
            if tkey['result'].lower() == "success":
                non_contract[uid][0] =1
                non_contract[uid][1] =1
    return ff[-1]

search(1635163200, 1635768000)

for i in Monarch_Engineering:
    print("user id :", i)
    print("The number of Success :", Monarch_Engineering[i][0])
    print("The number of Failed  :", Monarch_Engineering[i][1])
    print("The number of Bad     :", Monarch_Engineering[i][2])
    print("The number of Good    :", Monarch_Engineering[i][3])
print("\nthe number of revs searched/done = ",c)

CodePudding user response:

Issue solved: the server used a 30 sec cache, so whatever query i search for i get the same results, it seems it is an issue in their server they say it shouldn't act this way but i changed the delay to 31 secs just to make sure and it worked

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