I need to create a resource file using resgen.exe only if the file is edited. I've found a way to do it, and i need to loop through all the Language available.
This is my script.
@echo on
echo ------------------------------
echo -- Starting a run of resgen --
echo ------------------------------
Set resourcesPath=%~1Resources\
Set configuration=%~2
Set platform=%~3
set landingPath=%~1bin\%configuration%\Resources\
echo %landingPath%
IF exist %landingPath% ( echo %landingPath% exists ) ELSE ( mkdir %landingPath% && echo %landingPath% created)
set obj[0].Resource="%landingPath%Strings.en-GB.resources"
set obj[0].Text="%resourcesPath%Strings.en-GB.txt"
set obj[1].Resource="%landingPath%Strings.ru-RU.resources"
set obj[1].Text="%resourcesPath%Strings.ru-RU.txt"
set obj[2].Resource="%landingPath%Strings.es-ES.resources"
set obj[2].Text="%resourcesPath%Strings.es-ES.txt"
FOR /L %%i IN (0 1 2) DO (
for %%x in ("%%obj[%%i].Text%%") do set date_of_filenameTxt=%%~tx
for %%x in ("%%obj[%%i].Resource%%") do set date_of_filenameRes=%%~tx