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Chunks in text Rmarkdown - Xaringan


I am making a xaringan presentation and I am trying to show my chunk options in R Markdown, and I need that it appears in a gray square.

Like this image:

Code chunk with nice gray square

But I just get my code without that nice gray square:

My code chunk without the nice gray square

And of course I don't know how to put the highlights in this kind of code chunks. If somebody knows how to do it, I will really appreciate it.

This is the code I wrote in order to get the chunk without the square:

```{r echo=FALSE, comment = NA} 
```{r, echo = TRUE, eval=TRUE, out.width = '50%', fig.align = 'center'}`r ''`

url <- 'https://media.springernature.com/full/springer-static/\nimage/art:10.1186/s13059-020-02088-y/MediaObjects/13059_2020_2088_Fig1_HTML.png'




CodePudding user response:

Following the example in the "Ninja" presentation template, you can produce "raw chunks" by using the markdown formatting with some tricks:

# Test

`r ''````{r, echo = TRUE, eval=TRUE, out.width = '50%', fig.align = 'center'}

url <- 'https://media.springernature.com/full/springer-static/\nimage/art:10.1186/s13059-020-02088-y/MediaObjects/13059_2020_2088_Fig1_HTML.png'

knitr::include_graphics(url) #<<

```{r, echo = TRUE, eval=TRUE, out.width = '50%', fig.align = 'center'}

url <- 'https://media.springernature.com/full/springer-static/\nimage/art:10.1186/s13059-020-02088-y/MediaObjects/13059_2020_2088_Fig1_HTML.png'

knitr::include_graphics(url) #<<

Line highlighting is done with #<<. For this, you need to enable the highlighting in the yaml header (again, I've taken the default from the Ninja template):

    lib_dir: libs
      highlightStyle: github
      highlightLines: true
      countIncrementalSlides: false
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