Home > Software design >  Bash script with jq wont get date difference from strings, and runs quite slowly on i7 16GB RAM
Bash script with jq wont get date difference from strings, and runs quite slowly on i7 16GB RAM


Need to find the difference between TradeCloseTime and TradeOpenTime time in dd:hh:mm format for the Exposure column in the following script.

Also the script runs super slow (~4 mins for 800 rows of json, on Core i7 16gb RAM machine)

echo "TradeNo, TradeOpenType, TradeCloseType, TradeOpenSource, TradeCloseSource, TradeOpenTime, TradeCloseTime, PNL, Exposure" > tradelist.csv
tradecount=$(jq -r '.performance.numberOfTrades|tonumber' D.json)
for ((i=0; i<$tradecount; i  ))
tradeNo=$(jq -r '.trades['$i']|[.tradeNo][]|tonumber' D.json)
entrySide=$(jq -r '.trades['$i'].orders[0]|[.side][]' D.json)
exitSide=$(jq -r '.trades['$i'].orders[1]|[.side][]' D.json)
entrySource=$(jq -r '.trades['$i'].orders[0]|[.source][]' D.json)
exitSource=$(jq -r '.trades['$i'].orders[1]|[.source][]' D.json)
tradeEntryTime=$(jq -r '.trades['$i'].orders[0]|[.placedTime][]' D.json | tr -d 'Z' |  tr -s 'T' ' ')
tradeExitTime=$(jq -r '.trades['$i'].orders[1]|[.placedTime][]' D.json | tr -d 'Z' |  tr -s 'T' ' ')
profitPercentage=$(jq -r '(.trades['$i']|[.profitPercentage][0]|tonumber)*(100)' D.json)
echo $tradeNo","$entrySide","$exitSide","$entrySource","$exitSource","$tradeEntryTime","$tradeExitTime","$profitPercentage | tr -d '"' >> tradelist.csv

json file looks like this


CodePudding user response:

Regarding the main question (regarding computing time differences), you're in luck as jq provides the built-in function fromdateiso8601 for converting ISO times to "the number of seconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)".

With your JSON sample,

| [ .orders[1].placedTime, .orders[0].placedTime]
| map(fromdateiso8601)
| .[0] - .[1]

produces the three differences:


CodePudding user response:

I prefer using an intermediate structure of the "entry" and "exit" JSON. This helps with debugging the jq commands. Formatted for readability over performance:

#!/usr/bin/env bash -e
echo "TradeNo,TradeOpenType,TradeCloseType,TradeOpenSource,TradeCloseSource,TradeOpenTime,TradeCloseTime,PNL,Exposure" > tradelist.csv

jq -r '.trades[]|{tradeNo,profit,profitPercentage,entry:.orders[0],exit:.orders[1],entryTS:.orders[0].placedTime|fromdate,exitTS:.orders[1].placedTime|fromdate}|[.tradeNo,.entry.side,.exit.side,.entry.source,.exit.source,(.entry.placedTime|strptime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")|strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")),(.exit.placedTime|strptime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")|strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")),(.profitPercentage*100),(.exitTS-.entryTS|todate|strptime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")|strftime("%d:%H:%M"))]|@csv' D.json >> tradelist.csv

WARNING: This formatting assumes Exposure is LESS THAN 1 MONTH. Good luck with that!

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