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Formula to change the layout of a Google Sheet: Transpose & Split


I would like to convert data collected in Sheet1 so it look like Sheet2.

Sheet1 - Data populated from Google Form.

  • This sheet contains the attendance of which employees participated in a specific class.

  • This sheet contains over 50,000 rows.

  • Class ID are unique for each row.

  • The same Employee ID can be found in multiple rows

    • Notice Employee ID "123456" is found in class X123456, and ZZ974547
1 Date Class ID Employee ID's
2 4/26/2021 6:47:13 X123456 123456 896779 835906 TMP880997 908613 882853
3 4/26/2021 17:18:57 Y123456 227583 233482 218680 226955 225310 227569 227582
4 4/26/2021 18:01:30 XYZ123456 201032 232863 232848 TMP232845
5 4/27/2021 12:24:29 X123457 188809 224046 232861 232846
6 4/28/2021 10:56:28 X123458 210975
7 5/26/2021 10:29:31 ZZ974547 123456 955725 961714 956114 955986 959287 955748

Sheet2 - Expected outcome using a formula

  • Results sorted by timestamp.
  • Count the number of Employee ID's within a Class ID.
  • Then duplicate the Class ID the same number of times.
    • Class ID X123456 contains 6 Employee ID's, so X123456 is repeated 6 times (1/row)
    • Class ID Y123456 contains 7 Employee ID's, so Y123456 is repeated 7 times (1/row)
1 Class ID Employee ID
2 X123456 123456
3 X123456 896779
4 X123456 835906
5 X123456 TMP880997
6 X123456 908613
7 X123456 882853
8 Y123456 227583
9 Y123456 233482
10 Y123456 218680
11 Y123456 226955
12 Y123456 225310
13 Y123456 227569
14 Y123456 227582
15 XYZ123456 201032
16 XYZ123456 232863
17 XYZ123456 232848
18 XYZ123456 TMP232845

Here are the current formulas I have tried...


Sheet2!B2 =TRANSPOSE(SPLIT(C2:C," "))

These formulas work for the first Class ID, but not for the remaining Class ID's. I tried wrapping them with ARRAYFORMULA() but that did not work.

CodePudding user response:


 C2:C&"×"&SPLIT(D2:D, " "))), "×"), "where Col2 is not null"))

enter image description here


 SPLIT(D2:D, " "))="",,C2:C&"×"&SPLIT(D2:D, " ")&"♦")), "×"), 
 "where Col2 is not null"), "♦", ))
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