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Discord bot look for message from user


I am making a verification bot and the staff members have to accept or deny the user once the verification is sent with a reaction to the message. But if a staff member denies a user, The bot will ask for a reason which will be sent to the user. The issue is that when the bot is waiting for the staff member to send the reason if a message is sent in any other channel then the bot will use that message as the reason.

        elif str(reaction) == "❌":
            await verif_channel.send(":warning: Please provide a reason :warning:")
                deny_channel = member.guild.get_channel(889690902359080970)
                msg = await self.bot.wait_for("message", timeout=600)
                why = msg.content
                embed_reason = discord.Embed(
                    title=":warning: You have been denied! :warning:",
                    description="You have been denied from the server for the following reason: (You are still allowed to reverify by reacting to the message in <#734570330064028002>) \n\n"
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