Home > Software design >  Start shiny with a hidden output that can be shown with toggle
Start shiny with a hidden output that can be shown with toggle


I've seen how to create an actionButton that can hide and then show an output from shiny. For example, the below code, based on this link:

dat <- data.frame(a=1:10, b=rexp(10, 1/10), c=letters[sample(1:24, 10)])

  ui = fluidPage(
    actionButton("hide", "Toggle"),
    p("Text above plot"),
    p("Text below plot")
  server = function(input, output, session) {
    output$plot <- renderPlot({
      plot(b ~ a, data=dat)

    observeEvent(input$hide, {
      toggle("plot") # if you want to alternate between hiding and showing
  options = list(height = 700)

The plot starts shown, and then you can click the Toggle button to make it disappear, and then appear again. However, I need it to begin hidden, and then the user can click to make it appear and then disappear.

How can I make it beggin hidden? Thanks!

CodePudding user response:

You can can toggle('plot') inside the server but outside a reactive context so it would execute once when the app starts. For example:

    observeEvent(input$hide, {
      toggle("plot") # if you want to alternate between hiding and showing
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