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Windows Batch File Using Plink Adds Extra Line Feeds


first-time poster here.

I'm trying to write a batch file to run in Windows 10 Pro that will use Plink to establish an SSH session to a remote server and execute some commands. Everything works well, except for whatever reason I end up with extra line feeds with each ECHO command I pipe in. Normally, this isn't an issue, until the command I'm running requires some specific user feedback, namely, pressing "Y" to confirm an action. Since it receives the extra line feed after testing "STSTest" command and before receiving the "Y" character, it throws an error.

Here's my batch script:

set PATH=C:\Program Files\PuTTY;%PATH%
set TestNum=%1

    TIMEOUT /t 1 > nul
    ECHO cd /usr/bin/core/test
    ECHO rm STS_*.txt
    ECHO rm STS_T1_Test%TestNum%.txt
    ECHO ./STSTest --T 2 --i %TestNum%
    TIMEOUT /t 1 > nul
    ECHO Y
    TIMEOUT /t 1 > nul
    ECHO exit
) | plink -ssh -l root -pw ***

Does anybody have an idea on how to eliminate that extra line feed so that "Y" is entered in the correct order after the "STSTest" command is entered?


Here's what I'm fighting. If I define this simple batch file:

TIMEOUT /t 1 > nul
ECHO cd /
ECHO cd usr
ECHO cd bin
ECHO cd core
ECHO cd test
TIMEOUT /t 1 > nul
ECHO exit
) | plink -ssh -l root -pw ***

The results from the command window look like:

Last login: Wed Jul 29 23:53:30 2020 from
root@core-A:~# cd /
root@core-A:/# cd usr
root@core-A:/usr# cd bin
root@core-A:/usr/bin# cd core
root@core-A:/usr/bin/core# cd test
root@core-A:/usr/bin/core/test# exit

I get an extra line feed after every ECHO command.

CodePudding user response:

When you are executing plink without any command on its command-line, plink starts an interactive terminal session. That has lot of unwanted side effects. Including those that you face.

Add -T switch to plink command line to avoid that:

) | plink -T -ssh -l root -pw ***

Another option is doing everything on the server-side and specifying full command on the plink commandline:

plink -ssh -l root -pw *** "cd /usr/bin/core/test && rm STS_*.txt && rm STS_T1_Test%TestNum%.txt && (echo Y | ./STSTest --T 2 --i %TestNum%)"

Or some combination of both these methods.

Similar questions:

CodePudding user response:

A batch file echo uses the Windows line ending (carriage return line feed).

Combine the newline hack with the no line ending hack:

@echo off
REM don't remove blank lines below
set NLM=^

set NL=^^^%NLM%%NLM%^%NLM%%NLM%

    <nul set /P=foo%NL%
    <nul set /P=foo%NL           
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