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How to deal with recyclerview showing empty row


I am building a movies app that uses "The Movie DB" API. My app currently displaying a recyclerview filled with movies.

The problem is that some movies don't have the values I need to display the movie and it looks like this: https://ibb.co/5FBCP5v

My question is how can I deal with it the correct way ?

  • Should I use recyclerview with 2 view types ?
  • Is there any way I can prevent the row to inflate empty data in the first place ?

This is the recyclerView Adapter:

class MainRecyclerViewAdapter(var moviesList: List<Movie>,var listener : MainRecyclerViewAdapter.MovieListener) :
    RecyclerView.Adapter<MainRecyclerViewAdapter.MovieHolder>() {

    inner class MovieHolder(var itemView : View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(itemView),
        View.OnClickListener {

        fun bindViews(movie : Movie){

            val imageBaseUrl = "https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w185"

            val movieTitle = itemView.findViewById<TextView>(R.id.movieTitle)
            val movieYear = itemView.findViewById<TextView>(R.id.movieYear)
            val movieImage = itemView.findViewById<ImageView>(R.id.movieImage)

            //Rating Bar
            val ratingBar = itemView.findViewById<RatingBar>(R.id.ratingBar)
            val ratingInNumbers = itemView.findViewById<TextView>(R.id.ratingInNumbers)
            val peopleRated = itemView.findViewById<TextView>(R.id.peopleRated)


            if (movie.movieName != "null" && movie.movieVoteCount != "null" && movie.movieVoteCount != "null") {

                // Movie Name
                movieTitle.text = movie.movieName

                // Movie Year
                val inputFormat = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy", Locale.getDefault())
                if (movie.movieReleasedDate != null && movie.movieReleasedDate.isNotEmpty()){
                    val date = inputFormat.parse(movie.movieReleasedDate)
                    val movieYearString: String = inputFormat.format(date?.time)
                    movieYear.text = movieYearString

                // Image
                Glide.with(itemView.context).load(imageBaseUrl   movie.moviePoster).into(movieImage)
                Log.e("ImageuRL", "URL: "   movie.moviePoster)

                // Rating Bar
                if (movie.movieVotesAverge != null){
                    val ratingDivider = movie.movieVotesAverge.toDouble() / 2
                    ratingBar.rating = ratingDivider.toFloat()
                    ratingInNumbers.text = ratingDivider.toString()

                // Rating
                if (movie.movieVoteCount != null){
                    movie.movieVoteCount = when {
                        abs(movie.movieVoteCount.toDouble() / 1000000) > 1 -> {
                            (movie.movieVoteCount.toDouble() / 1000000).toString().toString()   "m"
                        abs(movie.movieVoteCount.toDouble() / 1000) > 1 -> {
                            (movie.movieVoteCount.toDouble() / 1000).toString().toString()   "k"
                        else -> {

                val ratedPeopleString = "(${movie.movieVoteCount})"
                peopleRated.text = ratedPeopleString



        override fun onClick(view: View?) {
            val position = adapterPosition


    override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): MovieHolder {
        val rootView = LayoutInflater.from(parent.context).inflate(R.layout.recycler_view_row_change,parent,false)
        return MovieHolder(rootView)

    override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: MovieHolder, position: Int) {

    override fun getItemCount(): Int {
        return moviesList.size

    fun changeCurrentList(newMovieList : List<Movie>) {
        this.moviesList = newMovieList

    interface MovieListener{
        fun onMovieClickedListener(movie:Movie)


Thank you!

CodePudding user response:

Filter your items before passing it to recycler view in your activity or your fragment like below

moviesList.filter{ movie ->
    movie != null && 
    !movie.movieName.isNullOrEmpty() &&
    !movie.movieVoteCount.isNullOrEmpty() &&
    !movie.movieVoteCount.isNullOrEmpty() &&
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