i understood using perlin-noise to make a pattern with cubes but what i want to is a random terrain plain land such as this game called muck (that has been devolped by unity)
i've tried doing:
noise = PerlinNoise(octaves=3, seed=2007)
amp = 3
freq = 24
width = 30
for po in range(width*width):
s = randint(200, 255)
q = Entity(model="cube", collider="box", texture="white_cube",
color=color.rgb(s, s, s))
q.x = floor(po/width)
q.z = floor(po % width)
q.y = floor(noise([q.x/freq, q.z/freq]) * amp)
so this would give a -almost- perfect random terrain but i want my terrain look more realistic than cubic thanks in advance ;)
CodePudding user response:
Unsurprisingly, your landscape looks cubic because you're constructing it from cubes. So to make it more realistic, use a more flexible Mesh for it. You will have to assign each point of the surface separately and connect it to its surrounding via triangles:
level_parent = Entity(model=Mesh(vertices=[], uvs=[]), color=color.white, texture='white_cube')
for x in range(1, width):
for z in range(1, width):
# add two triangles for each new point
y00 = noise([x/freq, z/freq]) * amp
y10 = noise([(x-1)/freq, z/freq]) * amp
y11 = noise([(x-1)/freq, (z-1)/freq]) * amp
y01 = noise([x/freq, (z-1)/freq]) * amp
level_parent.model.vertices = (
# first triangle
(x, y00, z),
(x-1, y10, z),
(x-1, y11, z-1),
# second triangle
(x, y00, z),
(x-1, y11, z-1),
(x, y01, z-1)
level_parent.model.project_uvs() # for texture
level_parent.model.generate_normals() # for lighting
level_parent.collider = 'mesh' # for collision
However, this will be quite slow to generate, mostly due to the Perlin noise implementation used (I'm assuming this one). A faster option can be found in this answer.