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React app fetch() response is empty although API endpoint returns data when sending a GET request fr


This is what my API call looks like:

export async function getTasks(): Promise<Task[]> {
  if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "test") {
    return new Promise<Task[]>((resolve) =>
      setTimeout(() => resolve(DefaultTasksArray), 1500)
  } else {
    return (await fetch("/api/tasks").then(
      (response) => response.json
    )) as unknown as Task[];

GET action in the controller in the API

async public Task<IActionResult> Get()
    var tasks = await _service.GetAsync();

    return Ok(tasks);

The service in the API

private readonly IMongoCollection<TaskObject> _tasksCollection;

public TaskService(IOptions<TaskManagerDbSettings> taskManagerDbSettings)
    var mongoClient = new MongoClient(taskManagerDbSettings.Value.ConnectionString);
    var mongoDatabase = mongoClient.GetDatabase(taskManagerDbSettings.Value.DatabaseName);
    _tasksCollection = mongoDatabase.GetCollection<TaskObject>(taskManagerDbSettings.Value.TasksCollectionName);

async public Task<List<TaskObject>> GetAsync() =>
    await _tasksCollection.Find(_ => true).ToListAsync();

When I send a GET request in Postman or in a browser, I get a JSON object like:


But the fetch() returns an empty response. What might be the cause? I don't see any errors in the browser when I open the app.

upd: I see the response in the Network tab in the browser, it has code 200 and all the data. But in the app itself the response is empty.

CodePudding user response:

The json property on the response from the fetch API is a function which you are mean to call.

(response) => response.json

should be

(response) => response.json()
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