Often in time I use jdbcTemplate.query not to return a resultset but to access the DB and do some computations on each record selected. For example the code below works
Map<String, Double> mAcc = new HashMap<>();
sql = "select ar.id_codice_art, sum(ar.quantita) quantita\n"
"from accettazione a \n"
"inner join accettazione_riga ar on a.id_accettazione = ar.id_accettazione\n"
"where a.id_ordine = ? \n"
"group by ar.id_codice_art";
jdbcTemplate.query(sql, (rs, i)->{
mAcc.put(rs.getString("id_codice_art"), rs.getDouble("quantita"));
return "";
}, idOrdine);
but it's not clean especially when a return "" because it is required by RowMapper interface. At the same time I don't want to create a record or a class just to return a list and work on the list.
Is there a better way to do the same think using jdbcTemplate?
CodePudding user response:
You can try using the following code. Just create a new map, insert values in it and return it. and then you can copy values from that result map to your map.
Map<String, Double> mAcc = new HashMap<>();
sql = "select ar.id_codice_art, sum(ar.quantita) quantita\n"
"from accettazione a \n"
"inner join accettazione_riga ar on a.id_accettazione = ar.id_accettazione\n"
"where a.id_ordine = ? \n"
"group by ar.id_codice_art";
Map<String,Double> = jdbcTemplate.query(sql, (rs)->{
Map<String,Double> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put(rs.getString("id_codice_art"), rs.getDouble("quantita"));
return map;
}, idOrdine);
CodePudding user response:
I'm assuming that the idOrdine key is a Long.
Map<String, Double> mAcc = new HashMap<>();
PreparedStatementSetter pss = ps -> ps.setLong(1, idOrdine);
RowCallbackHandler rch = rs -> mAcc.put(rs.getString("id_codice_art"),
jdbcTemplate.query(sql, pss, rch);
Of course, you can in-line those lambdas to avoid importing those two classes.
I just learned that in researching your answer, and now I'm going to rewrite a chunk of code I just wrote for work to use that method too!