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A start to tiling the screen with triangles


At the moment, I'm trying to get started trying to tile the python turtle graphics screen with equilateral triangles of random colors. I've made a function which is successfully able to make a triangle starting at say coordinates v_1 = (x, y). Once it's made the triangle, I want the turtle to head to one of the other triangle vertices that are not equal to v_1 and start a new triangle there. I'd like to do all of this in a while loop. However, when I run my code, it seems that the turtle always goes back to the initial position of the first equilateral triangle and makes a new one on top of it. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Here's my code:

from turtle import Turtle, colormode, done
from random import randint

def make_left_triangle(bob: Turtle, x: float, y: float) -> None:
    """Makes an equilaterial triangle at coordinates (x, y) with the turtle bob moving left."""
    r: int = randint(0, 255)
    g: int = randint(0, 255)
    b: int = randint(0, 255)
    rand_n: int = randint(1, 2)
    i: int = 0
    bob.goto(x, y)
    bob.fillcolor(r, g, b)
    while i < 3:
        i  = 1
    while rand_n < 3:
        rand_n  = 1

def main() -> None:
    bob: Turtle = Turtle()
    i: int = 0
    rand_n: int = randint(25, 50)
    x_coord: float = 0
    y_coord: float = 0
    while i < rand_n:
        make_left_triangle(bob, x_coord, y_coord)
        x_coord = bob.pos()[0]
        y_coord = bob.pos()[1]
        i  = 1

if __name__ == "__main__":

Any help on what's going wrong would be greatly appreciated! Thanks

CodePudding user response:

The problem is that the orientation of the bob is preserved between different calls to make_left_triangle. For example, if you draw a triangle ABC:

  / \
 /   \

and then move to vertex C you also turn in the direction of CA. So the next time you'll draw a new triangle CAB, which will be drawn over the initial ABC. You need to reset the orientation of the bob at the start of each make_left_triangle call.

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