Updated input samples, code and error message
I got two unquoted and single column TSV files (exported from a database) with a few thousand people names and I need to find the names that appear in both files. Both files are UTF-8
terminated, and start with the BOM 0xEF 0xBB 0xBF
A simple join
or comm
command could have done the trick but there are a few differences in the names:
# cat file1.tsv
A. Einstein
Louis Pasteur
Diego Armando Maradona
Isaac Newton
Fräva Dona
D Rüge
Françoise Barré-Sinoussi
# cat file2.tsv
Diego Maradona
Albert Einstein
Louis Pasteur
frava dona
Marie-Louise Von FRANZ
Dimitri Rüge
The expected matches in file2.tsv
would be:
Diego Maradona
Albert Einstein
Louis Pasteur
frava dona
Dimitri Rüge
I've wrote this bash
script that dynamically generates a regex for matching the last names:
# U 0300 = 0xCC80 = 52352
# U 033F = 0xCCBF = 52415
# U 0340 = 0xCD80 = 52608
# U 036E = 0xCDAE = 52654
for i in {52352..52415} {52608..52654}
hex=$(printf X "$i")
_COMBINING_CHARS_ =( "$(printf '\x'"${hex:0:2}"'\x'"${hex:2:2}")" )
_COMBINING_CHARS_ERE_=$(IFS='|'; printf %s "${_COMBINING_CHARS_[*]}")
# Function that removes the BOM, CRLF, and COMBINING characters:
sanitize() {
LANG=C sed -E \
-e $'1s/^\xEF\xBB\xBF//' \
-e $'s/\r$//' \
-e "s/$_COMBINING_CHARS_ERE_//g" \
-- "$@"
# Function that generates a regex for the _lastname_:
toERE() {
awk '
if ( $0 ~ /,/) {
n = split($0, a, ",");
$0 = a[n];
} else {
$0 = $NF
sub("^[[:space]] ","");
sub("[[:space]] $","");
gsub("[[:space:]-] "," ");
ere = ""
sep = "";
for ( nf = 1; nf <= NF; nf ) {
n = split($nf, c, "");
for ( i = 1; i <= n; i ) {
ere = ere "[[=" c[i] "=]]"
ere = sep ere
sep = "[[:space:]-] "
print ere "[[:space:]]*$"
' < <(sanitize "$@")
grep -E -f <(toERE "$1") <(sanitize "$2")
While the code works in some of my test-cases, the result with the given input is:
./joinlastnames.sh file1.tsv file2.tsv
grep: illegal byte sequence
UTF-8 multibyte characters seems to be the problem but I can't think of a way to handle it with awk
AL: Should I drop bash/awk and switch to an other scripting language? The target OS is macOS so there are a few possible choices readily available; but I would like to keep it independent so that the users (that don't know anything about shell and programming) don't have to install anything but the script.
CodePudding user response:
How about agrep
? man agrep
: agrep - search a file for a string or regular expression, with approximate matching capabilities. It's not perfect like we will see:
$ while IFS= read -r line
echo -n "$line: "
agrep -B -y "$line" file1
done < file2
Diego A. Maradona: agrep: 1 word matches within 6 errors
Maradona, Diego Armando
Albert Einstein: agrep: 1 word matches within 5 errors
A. Einstein
Louis Pasteur: Louis Pasteur
frava dona: agrep: 2 words match within 4 errors
Maradona, Diego Armando
Fräva Dona
Nice sample as we can already see a problem in the last three lines.
CodePudding user response:
Suggesting the following trick:
cat file1.csv file1.csv | sort | uniq -d
cat file1.csv file1.csv
combine bot files one after the other
put similar lines together
uniq -d
print only line that have duplicates