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How to get time difference between MIN timestamp and MAX timestamp


I'm trying to get the MAX & MIN Timestamp for the certain time frame. As you can see here:

Image of data

I will use mysql or pl/sql

Is it possible to get it?


Black block: 11/2/2022 05:45:28 ~ 11/2/2022 06:02:58
Red block: 13/2/2022 05:34:09 ~ 13/2/2022 06:32:44
Yellow block: 13/2/2022 10:28:06 ~ 13/2/2022 10:40:35

CodePudding user response:

The question is: Is it possible to get it?

Sure it is. I'm done here right Question answered?

Ok as to How... :P


  • Assumes each group begins with a Y and ends with the record prior to next Y and that is sorted by count column which has no gaps.

    • if there are gaps, we could assign a row_number() over (partition by X order by ...) as part of an earlier step and use it instead of count
    • Didn't test edge case of Y group without an N. but I think the min/max will just be the same and it will work out.
  • Not a complete solution but does provide a sufficient example to build from. This solves your Grouping problem and obtains the min/max but it doesn't do it using all your columns/data and I don't actually subtract them... but it does give your "Example" results.

  • I cheated and simply used #'s instead of actual timestmaps because I'm lazy and didn't want to setup the data.

  • Create CTE with sample data

  • Create STEP1 CTE which created a column of data which defines each Block/Group based on the next "Y" in your list I called it "NextMinCount" it would be more aptly named "MyGrouping"

  • Then once we have the block/group column

  • We use a query to get min/max within each group


 ----------- ------------- ------------ -------- 
| Equipment | Status_Flag | Time_Stamp | counts |
 ----------- ------------- ------------ -------- 
| EXPCA1Z43 | Y           |       1234 |      0 | <--Begn Grp 4
| EXPCA1Z43 | N           |       1235 |      1 |
| EXPCA1Z43 | N           |       1236 |      2 |
| EXPCA1Z43 | N           |       1237 |      3 |
| EXPCA1Z43 | N           |       1238 |      4 | <--End Grp 4
| EXPCA1Z43 | Y           |       1239 |      5 | <--Begin Grp 7
| EXPCA1Z43 | N           |       1240 |      6 |
| EXPCA1Z43 | N           |       1241 |      7 | <--End Grp 7
| EXPCA1Z43 | Y           |       1242 |      8 | <--Begin Grp 'Last'
| EXPCA1Z43 | N           |       1243 |      9 |
| EXPCA1Z43 | N           |       1244 |     10 |
| EXPCA1Z43 | N           |       1245 |     11 | <--End Grp 'Last'
 ----------- ------------- ------------ -------- 

Assumes the groups begin with a Y and end with row prior to next Y assuming sorted by counts column with no gaps.

With CTE AS (SELECT 'EXPCA1Z43' Equipment, 'Y' Status_Flag, 1234 Time_Stamp, 0 counts UNION ALL
             SELECT 'EXPCA1Z43' Equipment, 'N' Status_Flag, 1235 Time_Stamp, 1 counts UNION ALL
             SELECT 'EXPCA1Z43' Equipment, 'N' Status_Flag, 1236 Time_Stamp, 2 counts UNION ALL
             SELECT 'EXPCA1Z43' Equipment, 'N' Status_Flag, 1237 Time_Stamp, 3 counts UNION ALL
             SELECT 'EXPCA1Z43' Equipment, 'N' Status_Flag, 1238 Time_Stamp, 4 counts UNION ALL
             SELECT 'EXPCA1Z43' Equipment, 'Y' Status_Flag, 1239 Time_Stamp, 5 counts UNION ALL
             SELECT 'EXPCA1Z43' Equipment, 'N' Status_Flag, 1240 Time_Stamp, 6 counts UNION ALL
             SELECT 'EXPCA1Z43' Equipment, 'N' Status_Flag, 1241 Time_Stamp, 7 counts UNION ALL
             SELECT 'EXPCA1Z43' Equipment, 'Y' Status_Flag, 1242 Time_Stamp, 8 counts UNION ALL
             SELECT 'EXPCA1Z43' Equipment, 'N' Status_Flag, 1243 Time_Stamp, 9 counts UNION ALL
             SELECT 'EXPCA1Z43' Equipment, 'N' Status_Flag, 1244 Time_Stamp, 10 counts UNION ALL
             SELECT 'EXPCA1Z43' Equipment, 'N' Status_Flag, 1245 Time_Stamp, 11 counts ),
STEP1 as (SELECT A.*, coalesce((SELECT MIN(Counts)-1 
                         FROM CTE B
                        WHERE A.Counts < B.Counts 
                          and B.Status_Flag='Y'),'LASTGROUP') NextMinCount

SELECT nextMincount, Min(Time_Stamp) MinForGroup, max(Time_Stamp) maxForGroup  
GROUP BY nextMinCount

Giving us:

The heart of the above which defines the grouping is this inline select:

coalesce((SELECT MIN(Counts)-1 
                             FROM CTE B
                            WHERE A.Counts < B.Counts 
                              and B.Status_Flag='Y'),'LASTGROUP') 

It simply identifies the lowest "Count" that is a "Y" that is greater than the current count . Thus defining the range for the group. We then subtract 1 to get the row prior to the Y. we use the coalesce to handle the last grouping which would not have a next Y value and would otherwise be NULL name; and we get the Step1 Results depicted for STEP 1

STEP 1 gives us:

 ----------- ------------- ------------ -------- -------------- 
| Equipment | Status_Flag | Time_Stamp | counts | NextMinCount | <--Should have called 
 ----------- ------------- ------------ -------- --------------     This MyGrouping
| EXPCA1Z43 | Y           |       1234 |      0 | 4            |
| EXPCA1Z43 | N           |       1235 |      1 | 4            |
| EXPCA1Z43 | N           |       1236 |      2 | 4            |
| EXPCA1Z43 | N           |       1237 |      3 | 4            |
| EXPCA1Z43 | N           |       1238 |      4 | 4            |
| EXPCA1Z43 | Y           |       1239 |      5 | 7            |
| EXPCA1Z43 | N           |       1240 |      6 | 7            |
| EXPCA1Z43 | N           |       1241 |      7 | 7            |
| EXPCA1Z43 | Y           |       1242 |      8 | LASTGROUP    |
| EXPCA1Z43 | N           |       1243 |      9 | LASTGROUP    |
| EXPCA1Z43 | N           |       1244 |     10 | LASTGROUP    |
| EXPCA1Z43 | N           |       1245 |     11 | LASTGROUP    |
 ----------- ------------- ------------ -------- -------------- 

The final query gives us

 -------------- ------------- ------------- 
| nextMincount | MinForGroup | maxForGroup |
 -------------- ------------- ------------- 
| 4            |        1234 |        1238 |
| 7            |        1239 |        1241 |
| LASTGROUP    |        1242 |        1245 |
 -------------- ------------- ------------- 

WHERE the nextMinCount equates to your blocks of data as the Step1 results show.

  • 4 = your black
  • 7 = your red
  • LAST GROUP = your yellow

Which, I believe, is what you're after.

CodePudding user response:

You can refer these site it will help you to find difference between two timestamps: https://learnsql.com/cookbook/how-to-calculate-the-difference-between-two-timestamps-in-mysql/#:~:text=To calculate the difference between the timestamps in MySQL, use,MONTH , QUARTER , or YEAR .

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