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How to extract a value from a string column using hive


I need to extract a field from a string column using hive

Input:  [{"name":"MANAGER"}]
Output:    MANAGER

I was able to fetch the record using the below regular expression, but I am not able to remove ] from the output.

Query built:

select split(regexp_replace('([{"name":"MANAGER"}])','^\\(|\\)$|[{"}]',''),': *')[1];

Output obtained:


Could you please help me to remove the ] from the output and get only MANAGER in this example using hive.

CodePudding user response:

You can atually parse this with get_json_object function as the string you shared is a JSON string:

select get_json_object(regexp_replace('[{"name":"MANAGER"}]', '[\\[\\]]', ''), '$.name')

See the documentation:

A limited version of JSONPath is supported:

  • $ : Root object
  • . : Child operator
  • [] : Subscript operator for array
  • * : Wildcard for []

Syntax not supported that's worth noticing:

  • : Zero length string as key
  • .. : Recursive descent
  • @ : Current object/element
  • () : Script expression
  • ?() : Filter (script) expression.
  • [,] : Union operator
  • [start:end.step] : array slice operator
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