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Graphql query work well on graphql server but not on client


I have a resolver for check user login or not

 // ______________________________Check if user logged in____________________________________
  @Query((_return) => User, { nullable: true })
  async user(@Ctx() { req }: Context): Promise<User | null | undefined> {
    if (!req.session.userId) return null;
      return await User.findOne(req.session.userId)

it work on http://localhost:4000/graphql, but when i query on client(React) it return undefined.

code for query at client

  const { data, loading, error } = useUserQuery();

i use codegen for generate useUserQuery(), it like

export function useUserQuery(baseOptions?: Apollo.QueryHookOptions<UserQuery, UserQueryVariables>) {
        const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions}
        return Apollo.useQuery<UserQuery, UserQueryVariables>(UserDocument, options);

my cookie on client still existing ,but it just not work, how can i fix it?

CodePudding user response:

Your Apollo query will take a finite amount of time to come back with an answer; that's why when you immediately log ${data} you get undefined.

You can confirm this by logging out the loading variable - you'll see it's true - the query is "in flight" and data will continue to be undefined until loading goes false.

So a very simple way to handle this might be as in this Apollo docs example - just return early while we're loading:

const { data, loading, error } = useUserQuery();
if (loading) return 'Loading...';

// At this point we either have an error or data; handle it

That's fine if you can afford to "stop the world" (or at least the UI) until the data has arrived, but generally I like to get on with rendering as much as I can and "listen" to the data with a useEffect(), you can then do something once it has become available:

const { data, error } = useUserQuery();

useEffect(() => {
  // Always check for an error first:
  if (error) {
  if (data) {
    // Handle the data
}, [data, error]);


// Always return the UI
return (

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