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Custom View with data binding -> Cannot find setter


I need a custom layout for my toolbar on all screens so I created a custom view class that extends AppBarLayout. Its xml contains a LinearLayout with a Toolbar and a TextView. I then created a custom attribute to set the title of the toolbar in xml. It looks like this

class MyAppBarLayoutCustomView (...) : AppBarLayout(...) {
    init {
        val typedArray = context.obtainStyledAttribute(attrs, R.stylable.myAppBarLayoutCustomView, defStyle, 0)
        binding.myToolBar.title = typedArray.getString(R.stylable.myAppBarLayoutCustomView_customToolbarTitle) ?: ""

This works fine if I just set a title via xml in a fragment or activity like this

    android:id="@ id/my_app_bar_layout_view"

What I want and what does NOT work is to set a title via binding like this



    <LinearLayout ...>

            android:id="@ id/my_app_bar_layout_view"


The binding in the viewModel looks like this

private val _title = NonNullMutableLiveData(R.string.default_title)
val title: NonNullLiveData<Int> = _title

The error I get is the following

Cannot find a setter for <MyAppBarLayoutCustomView app:customToolbarTitle> that accepts parameter type 'com...livedata.NonNullLiveData<java.lang.Integer>

If a binding adapter provides the setter, check that the adapter is annotated correctly and that the parameter type matches.

CodePudding user response:

You have to use BindingAdapter in your customview class

fun setCustomToolbarTitle(view: MyAppBarLayoutCustomView, text: Int) {
    // call the method in customview which sets the string value for title view

CodePudding user response:

You need to create a binding adapter with @BindingAdapter annotation to specify the attribute name (customToolbarTitle in your case) to be used.

Add this:

fun setCustomToolbarTitle(textView: TextView, title: String) {
    textView.text = title
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