Home > Software design >  How to execute Powershell's "start-process -Verb RunAs" from inside a Batch where the
How to execute Powershell's "start-process -Verb RunAs" from inside a Batch where the


1. Problem

I have a complicated batch file where some parts need to run with elevated/admin rights (e.g. interacting with Windows services) and I found a Powershell way to do that:

powershell.exe -command "try {$proc = start-process -wait -Verb runas -filepath '%~nx0' -ArgumentList '<arguments>'; exit $proc.ExitCode} catch {write-host $Error; exit -10}"

But there's a huge caveat! The elevated instance of my script (%~nx0) starts with a fresh copy of environment variables and everything I set "var=content" before is unavailable.

2. What I've tried so far

This Powershell script doesn't help either because Verb = "RunAs" requires UseShellExecute = $true which in turn is mutually exclusive to/with StartInfo.EnvironmentVariables.Add()

$p = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process
$p.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe";
$p.StartInfo.Arguments = '/k set blasfg'
$p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = $true;
$p.StartInfo.Verb = "RunAs";
$p.StartInfo.EnvironmentVariables.Add("blasfg", "C:\\Temp")

$p.Start() | Out-Null
exit $p.ExitCode

And even if that would work I'd still need to transfer dozens of variables...

3. unappealing semi-solutions

because circumventing the problem is no proper solution.

  1. helper tools like hstart - because I can't relay on external tools. Only CMD, Powershell and maybe VBscript (but it looks like runas plus wait and errorlevel/ExitCode processing isn't possible with/in vbs).
  2. passing (only required) variables as arguments - because I need dozens and escaping them is an ugly chore (both the result and doing it).
  3. restarting the whole script - because it's inefficient with all the parsing, checking processing and other tasks happening again (and again and ...). I'd like to keep the elevated parts to a minimum and some actions can later be run as a normal user (e.g service start/stop).
  4. Writing the environment to a file and rereading it in the elevated instance - because it's an ugly hack and I'd hope there's a cleaner option out there. And writing possibly sensitive information to a file is even worse than storing it temporarily in an environment variable.

CodePudding user response:

Here's a proof of concept that uses the following approach:

  • Make the powershell call invoke another, aux. powershell instance as the elevated target process.

  • This allows the outer powershell instance to "bake" Set-Item statements that re-create the caller's environment variables (which the outer instance inherited, and which can therefore be enumerated with Get-ChilItem Env:) into the -command string passed to the aux. instance, followed by a re-invocation of the original batch file.

Caveat: This solution blindly recreates all environment variables defined in the caller's process in the elevated process - consider pre-filtering, possibly by name patterns, such as by a shared prefix; e.g., to limit variable re-creation to those whose names start with foo, replace Get-ChildItem Env: with Get-ChildItem Env:foo* in the command below.

@echo off & setlocal

:: Test if elevated.
net session 1>NUL 2>NUL && goto :ELEVATED 

:: Set sample env. vars. to pass to the elevated re-invocation.
set foo1=bar
set "foo2=none      done"
set foo3=3" of snow
:: " dummy comment to fix syntax highlighting

:: Re-invoke with elevation, synchronously, reporting the exit
:: code of the elevated run.
powershell -noprofile -command ^
  exit ( ^
    Start-Process -Wait -PassThru -Verb RunAs powershell ^
      "\" -noprofile -command `\" $(Get-ChildItem Env: | ForEach-Object { 'Set-Item \\\"env:'   $_.Name   '\\\" \\\"'   $($_.Value -replace '\""', '`\\\""')   '\\\"; ' }) cmd /c `\"%~f0`\" ... ``& exit; exit `$LASTEXITCODE`\" \"" ^

echo -- Elevated re-invocation exited with %ERRORLEVEL%.

:: End of non-elevated part.
exit /b


echo Now running elevated...

echo -- Arguments received:
echo [%*]

echo -- Env. vars. whose names start with "foo":
set foo 

:: Determine the exit code to report.
set ec=5

echo -- Exiting with exit code            
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