Home > Software design >  BottomNavigationBar // Controlling Height with SizedBox leads to overflow
BottomNavigationBar // Controlling Height with SizedBox leads to overflow


The goal: Instead of using the hard coded height for the BottomNavigationBar, I want to size it as a fraction of the screen height.

My approach so far: I figured out that I can wrap the BottomNavigationBar in a SizedBox and control the height that way. Code at the botom.

The problem: I get overflows with the BottomNavigationBarItems on various devices.

enter image description here

I tried scaling the icons using the height of the SizedBox, but I need to make the items pretty small to avoid the overflow so that is not an option.

The code:

final bottomNavHeight = MediaQuery.of(context).size.heigth * 0.085;

bottomNavigationBar: SizedBox(
      height: bottomNavHeight,
      child: BottomNavigationBar(
        onTap: _selectPage,
        iconSize: bottomNavHeight * 0.45,
        showSelectedLabels: false,
        showUnselectedLabels: false,
        currentIndex: _selectedPageIndex,
        type: BottomNavigationBarType.fixed,
        items: [
            icon: Icon(Icons.home, color: _customColorScheme['Icon 1']),
                Icon(Icons.home, color: _customColorScheme['Icon 2']),
            label: '',
                Icon(Icons.favorite, color: _customColorScheme['Icon 1']),
                Icon(Icons.favorite, color: _customColorScheme['Icon 2']),
            label: '',
            icon: Icon(Icons.bar_chart,
                color: _customColorScheme['Icon 1']),
            activeIcon: Icon(Icons.bar_chart,
                color: _customColorScheme['Icon 2']),
            label: '',
          //info & support
            icon: Icon(Icons.info, color: _customColorScheme['Icon 1']),
                Icon(Icons.info, color: _customColorScheme['Icon 2']),
            label: '',

CodePudding user response:

enter image description here you can use like this like css break

  final bottomNavHeight = getMyheight(context);

 getMyheight(BuildContext context) {
    var mheight = MediaQuery.of(context).size.height;
    if (mheight < 300)
      return mheight * 0.80;
    else if (mheight < 400)
      return mheight * 0.2;
    else if (mheight < 500)
      return mheight * 0.2;
    else if (mheight < 600)
      return mheight * 0.2;
    else if (mheight < 800)
      return mheight * 0.3;
      return mheight * 0.085;


For Discrete jump i used windows run NB: some packages dependent on platform so may exception so for ui testing it best discrete screen.

On Windows, desktop support is enabled on Flutter 2.10 or higher. On macOS and Linux, desktop support is disabled by default in the stable channel. You can manually enable it with one of these commands, depending on which platform you are running:

flutter config --enable-macos-desktop
flutter config --enable-linux-desktop
flutter config --enable-windows-desktop

enter image description here

This package use to test different screen sizedevicepreview

device_preview: ^1.0.0

CodePudding user response:

The bottom-overflow starts around <704. BottomNavigationBarItem's is not getting enough space.

You can remove SizedBox and just start with BottomNavigationBar, it will solve the issue.

  bottomNavigationBar: BottomNavigationBar(....)
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