I searched everywhere, but did not find an answer. Since I think the answers are outdated because they use python.pythonPath and this does not exist anymore.
My problem is the following:
But I installed [email protected] already via homebrew (I have a mac M1 with macOS Monterey).
If I use ,,which python3'', I will get:
And here you can see the output of ,,echo $PATH'':
What should I do, so that the error message does not appear again??
CodePudding user response:
You have to click on 'No Interpreter Selected' and then you can add a path to python
Go on terminal and write your python-path\python.exe python-file.y
If this works you can create a shell script inside of your folder and then put inside the python call. Then you can start your python file with the shell script.
CodePudding user response:
You Can Simply Go to The Extensions Library and Download the Interepter for VS Code. Make Sure Python is Installed in Your PC.
If you still Have Problems, Try Reinstalling Python and VS Code