I'm trying to check if I have a List with items. So I use this code in my HTML
<div >
<div >
<table id="tableSelectedEstudis">
<col style="width:80%">
<col style="width:20%">
<!--<col style="width:10%">-->
<th scope="col" data-th-text="#{edicio.estudis}"></th>
<th scope="col" data-th-text="#{edicio.estudis.vigent}">Vigent</th>
<!-- <th scope="col" data-th-text="#{label.accions}">Accions</th> -->
<tr th:each="estudi : *{listEstudis}" >
<td scope="row" th:text="${estudi.codiEstudi ' - ' estudi.memo}"/>
<td scope="row" th:text="${estudi.vigentSN}"/>
<!-- <td>
<span th:attr="data-codiestudi =${estudi.codiEstudi}" id="eliminarEstudi" title="Elimina estudi" th:unless="*{altaOk} OR *{altaKo}"><i ></i></span>
</td> -->
<label th:if="${#fields.hasErrors('listEstudis')}" th:errors="*{listEstudis}"></label>
Normally I should add @NonEmpty label in the form and let Spring work automatically. In my case, I can't do it this way and I need to add the error manually. So I do this in my controller:
String[] codes = { "NotEmpty.admEdicionsDetallForm.listEstudis", "NotEmpty.listEstudis",
"NotEmpty.java.util.List", "NotEmpty" };
String objectName = "admEdicionsDetallForm";
Object[] objects = { new DefaultMessageSourceResolvable(
new String[] { "admEdicionsDetallForm.listEstudis", "listEstudis" }, null, "listEstudis") };
if (llistatEstudis.isEmpty()) {
new ObjectError(objectName, codes, objects, "És obligatori seleccionar almenys un estudi"));
But the message is not showing when I try to do it manually, howerver if I do it with the @NonEmpty lable it works.
CodePudding user response:
The rejectValue()
method is used to add a validation error to the BindingResult
object. https://stackoverflow.com/a/65759773/2039546
So, in your code, instead of:
.addError(new ObjectError(objectName, codes,
objects, "És obligatori seleccionar almenys un estudi"));
Try with:
bindingResult.rejectValue("listEstudis", "error. listEstudis",
"És obligatori seleccionar almenys un estudi!");