I am using terraform
with azure
to provision an ubuntu virtual machine and I am getting the below error:
creating Linux Virtual Machine: (Name "test-bastion" / Resource Group "ssi-test"): compute.VirtualMachinesClient#CreateOrUpdate: Failure sending request: StatusCode=400 -- Original Error: Code="ResourcePurchaseValidationFailed" Message="User failed validation to purchase resources. Error message: 'You have not accepted the legal terms on this subscription: 'xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxx' for this plan.
I can spin up VM's through azure portal but not with terraform.
Here's my terraform module
resource "azurerm_linux_virtual_machine" "linux_virtual_machine" {
name = join("-", [var.environment, "bastion"])
resource_group_name = var.resource_group_name
location = var.location
size = var.bastion_size
admin_username = var.bastion_admin_username
computer_name = join("-", [var.project, var.environment, "bastion"])
custom_data = filebase64(var.bastion_custom_data_path)
network_interface_ids = [
admin_ssh_key {
username = var.bastion_admin_username
public_key = file(var.bastion_public_key_path)
source_image_reference {
publisher = var.bastion_publisher
offer = var.bastion_offer
sku = var.bastion_sku
version = var.bastion_version
plan {
name = var.bastion_sku
publisher = var.bastion_publisher
product = var.bastion_offer
os_disk {
name = join("-", [var.project, var.environment, "bastion-os-disk"])
storage_account_type = "Standard_LRS"
caching = "ReadWrite"
disk_size_gb = var.bastion_os_disk_size_gb
# Create network interface
resource "azurerm_network_interface" "bastion_nic" {
name = join("-", [var.project, var.environment, "bastion-nic"])
location = var.location
resource_group_name = var.resource_group_name
depends_on = [azurerm_public_ip.bastion_public_ip]
ip_configuration {
name = join("-", [var.project, var.environment, "bastion-nic-conf"])
subnet_id = var.bastion_subnet_id
private_ip_address_allocation = "Dynamic"
public_ip_address_id = azurerm_public_ip.bastion_public_ip.id
tags = var.default_tags
and here are the variable values (some are removed)
bastion_admin_username = "ubuntu"
bastion_os_disk_size_gb = "60"
bastion_public_key_path = "./data/keys/bastion.pub"
bastion_size = "Standard_B2s"
bastion_publisher = "canonical"
bastion_offer = "0001-com-ubuntu-server-focal"
bastion_sku = "20_04-lts-gen2"
bastion_version = "latest"
bastion_custom_data_path = "./data/scripts/bastion.sh"
Can someone help me?
CodePudding user response:
Accept the agreement first, with this resource: https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/azurerm/latest/docs/resources/marketplace_agreement
CodePudding user response:
Plan block is mostly for BYOS images like RedHat, Arista & Palo Alto. Below flavor doesn't need any plan as this can be used without accepting marketplace terms first before using them via automation.
> az vm image list-skus -l westeurope -p canonical -f 0001-com-ubuntu-server-focal
"extendedLocation": null,
"id": "/Subscriptions/b500a058-6396-45db-a15d-3f31913e84a5/Providers/Microsoft.Compute/Locations/westeurope/Publishers/canonical/ArtifactTypes/VMImage/Offers/0001-com-ubuntu-server-focal/Skus/20_04-lts-gen2",
"location": "westeurope",
"name": "20_04-lts-gen2",
"properties": {
"automaticOSUpgradeProperties": {
"automaticOSUpgradeSupported": false
"tags": null
If you remove below plan
block from azurerm_linux_virtual_machine
resource, it should work for the image flavor you picked.
plan {
name = var.bastion_sku
publisher = var.bastion_publisher
product = var.bastion_offer
The reason why it's working via portal because ARM template doesn't add plan
block there. You can download and verify ARM template before creating VM on portal if you want.