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NameError while using Global Variables


I am working on a project in Python with Pycharm as my code-editor. In my code I faced variable not defined error in spite of declaring it as Global. Here's the code snippet:

global hpw
global mil

def bt_cars(hpw, mil):
  hpw = StringVar()
  mil = StringVar()
  w1 = Toplevel()
  w1.title("Choose Features")

  lb3 = Label(w1, text="Choose features for comparison", bg="yellow"
            , font=('Arial Black', 18), width=25)
  lb4 = Label(w1, text=" ", anchor=tk.CENTER)
  fr1 = LabelFrame(w1, width=20, padx=100)
  hp_cb = Checkbutton(fr1, text="Horsepower", variable=hp, anchor='w', onvalue="Horsepower", offvalue=" ")
  mil_cb = Checkbutton(fr1, text="Mileage", variable=mi, anchor='w', onvalue="Mileage", offvalue=" ")

  lb3.grid(row=0, column=1)
  lb4.grid(row=1, column=1)
  fr1.grid(row=2, column=1)

bt1 = Button(root, text="CARS", width=5, font=('Calibri', 15), command=bt_cars)

space2 = Label(root, text="\n\n")

var_stor1 = [mil, hpw]   #NameError here, python doesn't recognise mil and hpw

for i in var_stor1:
   if i.get() != " ":


The error for this code:

C:\Users\bspoo\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310-32\python.exe "E:/Software/Python    /Programs/School/Project SPASC/SPASC II.py"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "E:\Software\Python\Programs\School\Project SPASC\SPASC II.py", line 55, in <module>
var_stor1 = [mil, hpw]
NameError: name 'mil' is not defined. Did you mean: 'min'?

What should I do to overcome this error?

*NOTE: This is only part of my code. So please ignore if import tkinter is missing

CodePudding user response:

The simple answer is to get rid of the global statements in the global scope and put them in bt_cars instead:

# Get rid of these altogether
# global hpw
# global mil

def bt_cars():  # Button callbacks are not called with any arguments
    global hpw, mil

    # Are these the assignments you want?
    hpw = StringVar()
    mil = StringVar()

If you want to use hpw and mil in the global scope, you need to either define them before bt_cars is called, or you need to ensure that bt_cars is called before you try to use hpw or mil.

CodePudding user response:

In order to change the value of a global variable inside a function, you must declare it global inside the function.

You should check the file of ASCII .line 55

CodePudding user response:

You need to go back to fundamentals of functions and function parameters and the scope of variables in python. Please go through all the comments I have added in your code. Also, There is very little clarity about what you are trying to do here. I hope it will clarify things for you:

from tkinter import *

root = Tk()
# global hpw
# global mil
# Please initialize the variables with an argument for the function or directly use a value as an argument in yout function
# for example, no need of global keyword, following variables already have a global scope:
hpw = 'a'
mil = 'b'
# it isnt necessary for these variables to be named same as function parameter. The function parameters have a scope local to the function.

def bt_cars(hpw, mil):
    # hpw and mil have a scope local to the function. Also I dont understand their use as in your function you havent used hpw and mil anywhere.
    hp = StringVar()  # Do you mean this hp is the hpw you intended
    mi = StringVar()  # Do you mean this mi is the mil you intended
    w1 = Toplevel()
    w1.title("Choose Features")

    lb3 = Label(w1, text="Choose features for comparison",
                bg="yellow", font=('Arial Black', 18), width=25)
    lb4 = Label(w1, text=" ", anchor=CENTER)
    fr1 = LabelFrame(w1, width=20, padx=100)
    hp_cb = Checkbutton(fr1, text="Horsepower", variable=hp,
                        anchor='w', onvalue="Horsepower", offvalue=" ")
    mil_cb = Checkbutton(fr1, text="Mileage", variable=mi,
                         anchor='w', onvalue="Mileage", offvalue=" ")

    lb3.grid(row=0, column=1)
    lb4.grid(row=1, column=1)
    fr1.grid(row=2, column=1)

# The function arguments here?? You could use lambda here
bt1 = Button(root, text="CARS", width=5, font=('Calibri', 15), command=bt_cars)

space2 = Label(root, text="\n\n")

var_stor1 = [hpw, mil]  # There wont be any error now.
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