I'm running a shell script for some testing and I'm having a weird issue. The script is meant to run tests and then grab the logs and move them to folders. Here's my code:
# Variables
arg_1=$1 # $1 is argument PATH
arg_2=$2 # $2 is argument NAME
for i in 32 64 128
# Case statement to go between different tests
case $count in
1) # test 1 (32MB test) ;;
2) # test 2 (64MB test);;
3) # test 3 (128MB test);;
*) break ;;
# Make directories
mkdir ${2}_${i}MB # Specific MB test
mkdir ${2}_lat # Latency logs
mkdir ${2}_times # Timings
# Move logs here
for j in {1..10}
mv lat_log_$j ${2}_lat
for j in {1..5}
mv times_$j ${2}_times
# Move files
mv ${2}_lat ${2}_times ${2}_${i}MB
mv ${2}_${i}MB $2
# Increment Count
((count ))
So here's my problem: in the initial for loop when i = 32 is ran, the specific directory ${2}_32MB isn't being created. However, subsequent loops make the files just fine. So ${2}_64MB and ${2}_128MB are created normally. I'm not sure what the issue is :(
CodePudding user response:
Try adding 16 before 32 in for loop. Best guess its just skipping?
CodePudding user response:
If the directory $2
doesn't exist when the script starts running, then in the first iteration of the loop mv ${2}_${i}MB $2
will rename the directory you are trying to find to $2
Then in later iterations, when that destination directory already exists, it will instead move a directory to be inside of $2