Home > Software design >  Why is this bash command not sorting the data by column 2?
Why is this bash command not sorting the data by column 2?


Given data file

dogfood    dev        project    virtual-machine      z                  
dogfood    admin      z          dev-center           devcenter           
dogfood    admin      .          machine-definition   machinedefinition   
z          admin      .          network-setting      networksetting      
dogfood    z          .          project              project             
self-host    admin      .          vnet                 vnet                
dogfood    admin      project    z                    pool                
self-host  admin      vnet       subnet               default

$ cat data | sort -k2 returns

z          admin      .          network-setting      networksetting      
dogfood    admin      .          machine-definition   machinedefinition   
self-host    admin      .          vnet                 vnet                
dogfood    admin      project    z                    pool                
dogfood    admin      z          dev-center           devcenter           
dogfood    dev        project    virtual-machine      z                  
dogfood    z          .          project              project             
self-host  admin      vnet       subnet               default

Why is z not at the bottom of column 2?

If I add a few more spaces after one of the "self-host" columns it sorts correctly. I expected to be able to add as many spaces between columns as I wanted, but it actually appears to affect the sort.

CodePudding user response:

       -b, --ignore-leading-blanks
              ignore leading blanks

So this does it!

cat data | sort -b -k2

CodePudding user response:

It appears that your file uses multiple spaces instead of tabs to delimit columns.

Try this:

awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"} $1=$1' file | sort -k2 | column -t


sort -b -k2 file

Either prints:

dogfood    admin  .        machine-definition  machinedefinition
z          admin  .        network-setting     networksetting
self-host  admin  .        vnet                vnet
dogfood    admin  project  z                   pool
self-host  admin  vnet     subnet              default
dogfood    admin  z        dev-center          devcenter
dogfood    dev    project  virtual-machine     z
dogfood    z      .        project             project
  •  Tags:  
  • bash
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