im building some generic forms builder so im at the point where i can
public class Model
[Editor(typeof(CustomIntEditor), typeof(InputBase<>))]
public int? testInt{ get; set; }
so CustomIntEditor.razor
@using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis
@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Forms
@inherits InputBase<int?>
<select @attributes="AdditionalAttributes"
@onchange="e => CurrentValueAsString = (string?)e.Value">
<option value =1>Choice 1</option>
<option value =2>Choice 2</option>
<option value =3 >Choice 3</option>
@code {
protected override string FormatValueAsString(int? value)
if (value != null) return value.ToString()!; else return string.Empty;
protected override bool TryParseValueFromString(string? value, [MaybeNullWhen(false)] out int? result, [NotNullWhen(false)] out string? validationErrorMessage)
validationErrorMessage = null;
if (value != null) result = int.Parse(value!); else result = null;
return true;
so the question is how to this Editor pass some List<KeyValuePair<int,string>>
so i could build this options / values like
List<KeyValuePair<int,string>> L = new List<KeyValuePair<int,string>>(){
[Editor(typeof(CustomIntEditor), typeof(InputBase<>),L)]
public int? testInt{ get; set; }
and loop on it to build the list like
<option value =@key>@value</option>
---------- update-----------
i have it now like this
private RenderFragment CreateOptionsListComponent() => builder =>
var optionsListAttribute = (OptionsListAttribute?)property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(OptionsListAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault();
if (optionsListAttribute is not null)
var optionsList = (SortedDictionary<int, string>?)typeof(TModel).GetProperty(optionsListAttribute.List, typeof(SortedDictionary<int, string>))?.GetValue(model!);
builder.AddAttribute(1, "Value", Value);
builder.AddAttribute(2, "ValueChanged", changeHandler);
builder.AddAttribute(3, "ValueExpression", lambdaExpression);
builder.AddAttribute(4, "id", FieldId());
builder.AddAttribute(5, "class", "form-control");
but how pass this optionsList to this InputOptionsListSelect<> ? i canot instanciete this component myself ? it need parameterless ctor as far as i checked. any idea ?
i did try like this
private RenderFragment ListOptions => (__builder) =>
foreach(var option in this.optionsList!)
__builder.OpenElement(7, "option");
__builder.AddAttribute(8, "value", option.Key);
__builder.AddContent(9, option.Value);
but it did nothing at all. no idea where it is puting that ;P ----------------update2---------------- yes i see but still this noit solve my issue i havem o place for you are right but shis still does not solve it. i have nowhere place for <MySelect @bind-Value=modelData.Id />
please check
check how he uses InputEnumSelect - this is what i need to do but this is not an enum ;P
this is the concept that i took and base on this i do some modify / adding some features etc so no .razor in any of components - everything from the code
and initial component usage is
i found that i probably can do this via AdditionalAtributes cause it is string/object pair - not sure if it is best place for storing the list but it can be done this way i belive
thanks and regards !
CodePudding user response:
I don't know how you're generating your form controls or doing your bindings but here's how to do the Attribute bit. I've wired it into a standard form so you can see the code in action.
@page "/"
<EditForm EditContext=this.editContext>
<InputSelect @bind-Value=modelData.Id>
@code {
public TestModel modelData = new TestModel() { Id = 2 };
private EditContext? editContext;
protected override Task OnInitializedAsync()
this.editContext = new EditContext(modelData);
return base.OnInitializedAsync();
private SortedDictionary<int, string> GetFieldList(string fieldName)
var list = new SortedDictionary<int, string>();
var typeInfo = this.modelData.GetType();
var prop = typeInfo.GetProperty(fieldName);
var editorAttr = prop?.GetCustomAttributes(true).ToList().SingleOrDefault(item => item is OptionListAttribute);
if (editorAttr is not null)
OptionListAttribute attr = (OptionListAttribute)editorAttr;
var obj = typeInfo.GetProperty(attr.List)?.GetValue(modelData);
if (obj is not null)
list = (SortedDictionary<int, string>)obj;
return list;
private RenderFragment ListOptions => (__builder) =>
@foreach (var option in this.GetFieldList("Id"))
<option value="@option.Key">@option.Value</option>
public class TestModel
public int Id { get; set; }
public SortedDictionary<int, string> LookupList { get; set; } = new SortedDictionary<int, string>()
{ 1, "UK" },
{ 2, "France" },
{ 3, "Spain" },
public class OptionListAttribute : Attribute
public string List { get; set; }
public OptionListAttribute(string list)
List = list;
Based on the updated Question here's a custom component that shows how to get the model information and attribute value from the ValueExpression
and build the option list.
@using System.Linq.Expressions
@typeparam TValue
<InputSelect @attributes=UserAttributes Value="@this.Value" ValueChanged=this.ValueChanged ValueExpression=this.ValueExpression!>
@code {
[Parameter] public TValue? Value { get; set; }
[Parameter] public EventCallback<TValue> ValueChanged { get; set; }
[Parameter] public Expression<Func<TValue>>? ValueExpression { get; set; }
[Parameter(CaptureUnmatchedValues = true)] public IDictionary<string, object> UserAttributes { get; set; } = new Dictionary<string, object>();
private string? fieldName;
private object? model;
private SortedDictionary<TValue, string>? optionList;
protected override void OnInitialized()
if (this.ValueExpression is null)
throw new NullReferenceException("You must set a ValueExpression for the component");
// As we get the ValueExpression we can use it to get the property name and the model
ParseAccessor<TValue>(this.ValueExpression, out model, out fieldName);
// And then get the OptionList
private void GetOptionList()
optionList = new SortedDictionary<TValue, string>();
var typeInfo = this.model?.GetType();
if (typeInfo is not null)
var prop = typeInfo.GetProperty(fieldName!);
var editorAttr = prop?.GetCustomAttributes(true).ToList().SingleOrDefault(item => item is OptionListAttribute);
if (editorAttr is not null)
OptionListAttribute attr = (OptionListAttribute)editorAttr;
var obj = typeInfo.GetProperty(attr.List)?.GetValue(model);
if (obj is null)
throw new ArgumentException("The provided field must implement the OptionList Attribute.");
optionList = (SortedDictionary<TValue, string>)obj;
// This method takes the Expression provided in ValueExpression and gets the model object and the name of the field referenced
private static void ParseAccessor<T>(Expression<Func<T>> accessor, out object model, out string fieldName)
var accessorBody = accessor.Body;
if (accessorBody is UnaryExpression unaryExpression && unaryExpression.NodeType == ExpressionType.Convert && unaryExpression.Type == typeof(object))
accessorBody = unaryExpression.Operand;
if (!(accessorBody is MemberExpression memberExpression))
throw new ArgumentException($"The provided expression contains a {accessorBody.GetType().Name} which is not supported. {nameof(FieldIdentifier)} only supports simple member accessors (fields, properties) of an object.");
fieldName = memberExpression.Member.Name;
if (memberExpression.Expression is ConstantExpression constantExpression)
if (constantExpression.Value is null)
throw new ArgumentException("The provided expression must evaluate to a non-null value.");
model = constantExpression.Value;
else if (memberExpression.Expression != null)
var modelLambda = Expression.Lambda(memberExpression.Expression);
var modelLambdaCompiled = (Func<object?>)modelLambda.Compile();
var result = modelLambdaCompiled();
if (result is null)
throw new ArgumentException("The provided expression must evaluate to a non-null value.");
model = result;
throw new ArgumentException($"The provided expression contains a {accessorBody.GetType().Name} which is not supported. {nameof(FieldIdentifier)} only supports simple member accessors (fields, properties) of an object.");
private RenderFragment ListOptions => (__builder) =>
@if (this.optionList is not null)
@foreach (var option in this.optionList)
<option value="@option.Key.ToString()">@option.Value</option>
And a modified demo page:
@page "/"
<EditForm EditContext=this.editContext>
<div >
<MySelect @bind-Value=modelData.Id />
@code {
public TestModel modelData = new TestModel() { Id = 2 };
private EditContext? editContext;
protected override Task OnInitializedAsync()
this.editContext = new EditContext(modelData);
return base.OnInitializedAsync();
public class TestModel
public int Id { get; set; }
public SortedDictionary<int, string> LookupList { get; set; } = new SortedDictionary<int, string>()
{ 1, "UK" },
{ 2, "France" },
{ 3, "Spain" },
Second Update
Here's the code from above implemented in a version of InputEnumSelect
public sealed class InputListSelect<TValue> : InputBase<TValue>
private string? fieldName;
private object? model;
#pragma warning disable CS8714 // The type cannot be used as type parameter in the generic type or method. Nullability of type argument doesn't match 'notnull' constraint.
private SortedDictionary<TValue, string>? optionList;
#pragma warning restore CS8714 // The type cannot be used as type parameter in the generic type or method. Nullability of type argument doesn't match 'notnull' constraint.
protected override void OnInitialized()
if (this.ValueExpression is null)
throw new NullReferenceException("You must set a ValueExpression for the component");
// As we get the ValueExpression we can use it to get the property name and the model
ParseAccessor<TValue>(this.ValueExpression, out model, out fieldName);
// And then get the OptionList
protected override void BuildRenderTree(RenderTreeBuilder builder)
builder.OpenElement(0, "select");
builder.AddMultipleAttributes(1, AdditionalAttributes);
builder.AddAttribute(2, "class", CssClass);
builder.AddAttribute(3, "value", BindConverter.FormatValue(CurrentValueAsString));
builder.AddAttribute(4, "onchange", EventCallback.Factory.CreateBinder<string?>(this, value => CurrentValueAsString = value, CurrentValueAsString, culture: null));
if (optionList is not null)
foreach (var option in optionList)
builder.OpenElement(5, "option");
builder.AddAttribute(6, "value", option.Key?.ToString());
builder.AddContent(7, option.Value);
builder.CloseElement(); // close the select element
protected override bool TryParseValueFromString(string? value, [MaybeNullWhen(false)] out TValue result, [NotNullWhen(false)] out string? validationErrorMessage)
// Let's Blazor convert the value for us