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How can I create a new column by taking a value from an existing column and adding a specific value


How can I create a new column by adding a value from an existing column based on conditions from a different column? Not sure how to clearly explain this so here is an example...

Here is an example of my data:

structure(list(id = c(1002L, 650L, 644L, 608L, 718L, 623L, 721L, 
715L, 820L, 616L, 1001L, 634L, 1005L, 821L, 816L, 1021L, 606L, 
824L, 626L, 815L), depth = c(10L, 15L, 10L, 15L, 15L, 10L, 10L, 
20L, 5L, 20L, 5L, 20L, 20L, 10L, 20L, 10L, 20L, 5L, 20L, 20L), 
    duration = c(10L, 10L, 10L, 10L, 10L, 10L, 10L, 10L, 5L, 
    10L, 5L, 10L, 10L, 10L, 10L, 10L, 10L, 5L, 10L, 10L), catch = c(183L, 
    1216L, 159L, 232L, 1260L, 35L, 149L, 1047L, 907L, 1123L, 
    75L, 800L, 517L, 7L, 958L, 178L, 1127L, 16512L, 504L, 7890L
    ), CPH = c(1098L, 7296L, 954L, 1392L, 7560L, 210L, 894L, 
    6282L, 10884L, 6738L, 900L, 4800L, 3102L, 42L, 5748L, 1068L, 
    6762L, 198144L, 3024L, 47340L), distance = c(771.6666667, 
    771.6666667, 771.6666667, 771.6666667, 771.6666667, 771.6666667, 
    771.6666667, 771.6666667, 385.8333333, 771.6666667, 385.8333333, 
    771.6666667, 771.6666667, 771.6666667, 771.6666667, 771.6666667, 
    771.6666667, 385.8333333, 771.6666667, 771.6666667)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 

I need to create a new column 'totaldist' based on the following conditions from other existing columns:

IF depth == 5, then the new 'totaldist' column should be created using = distance 111

IF depth == 10, then 'totaldist' = distance 130

IF depth == 15, then 'totaldist' = distance 185

IF depth == 20, then 'totaldist' = distance 259

For example, for ID 606 with depth 20 and distance 771.6667, the new column ('totaldist') should show a value of 1030.667 (distance 259).

I am not sure if I should use if_else, or if combined with else if, but the examples I have found using these functions have not worked for me. Should I be trying this with lapply? Not sure how to go about this. I hope this is clear. Thank you!

CodePudding user response:

Since you have multiple criteria, case_when may be better than ifelse.


df %>% mutate(totaldist = case_when(depth == 5 ~ distance   111,
                                    depth == 10 ~ distance   130,
                                    depth == 15 ~ distance   185,
                                    depth == 20 ~ distance   259,
                                    TRUE ~ NA_real_))

     id depth duration catch    CPH distance totaldist
1  1002    10       10   183   1098 771.6667  901.6667
2   650    15       10  1216   7296 771.6667  956.6667
3   644    10       10   159    954 771.6667  901.6667
4   608    15       10   232   1392 771.6667  956.6667
5   718    15       10  1260   7560 771.6667  956.6667
6   623    10       10    35    210 771.6667  901.6667
7   721    10       10   149    894 771.6667  901.6667
8   715    20       10  1047   6282 771.6667 1030.6667
9   820     5        5   907  10884 385.8333  496.8333
10  616    20       10  1123   6738 771.6667 1030.6667
11 1001     5        5    75    900 385.8333  496.8333
12  634    20       10   800   4800 771.6667 1030.6667
13 1005    20       10   517   3102 771.6667 1030.6667
14  821    10       10     7     42 771.6667  901.6667
15  816    20       10   958   5748 771.6667 1030.6667
16 1021    10       10   178   1068 771.6667  901.6667
17  606    20       10  1127   6762 771.6667 1030.6667
18  824     5        5 16512 198144 385.8333  496.8333
19  626    20       10   504   3024 771.6667 1030.6667
20  815    20       10  7890  47340 771.6667 1030.6667

CodePudding user response:

Another way is to join with a lookup table:


lookup <- data.frame(
  depth = c(5, 10, 15, 20),
  added_dist = c(111, 130, 185, 259)

my_df %>% 
  left_join(lookup, 'depth') %>% 
  mutate(totaldist = distance   added_dist)

This separates the logic from the coded values, which can be nice.

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