Home > Software design >  How do I code a browse file button that lets the user upload their own STL file into a STL viewer?
How do I code a browse file button that lets the user upload their own STL file into a STL viewer?


I am currently trying to integrate an STL File Viewer in my WPF application. I have been using the HelixToolKit to do this and currently can display an STL/OBJ/3D file in the display, however, the location of the STL code is hard coded in the CS file. Here is my code

private const string MODEL_PATH = @"C:\FILE LOCATION ON DISK";

public MainWindow()
         ModelVisual3D device3D = new ModelVisual3D();
         device3D.Content = Display3d(MODEL_PATH);

private Model3D Display3d(string model)

        Model3D device = null;
            //Adding a gesture here
            viewPort3d.RotateGesture = new MouseGesture(MouseAction.LeftClick);

            //Import 3D model file
            ModelImporter import = new ModelImporter();

            //Load the 3D model file
            device = import.Load(model);
        catch (Exception e)
            // Handle exception in case can not file 3D model
            MessageBox.Show("Exception Error : "   e.StackTrace);
        return device;

I want the user to be able to import their own STL files into the viewer and view them. I tried to implement a browse button and coded it as such

public void  btnBrowse_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


        // Create OpenFileDialog
        OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog();

        // Set filter for file extension and default file extension
        dlg.DefaultExt = ".stl";
        dlg.Filter = "3D Objects (.stl)|*.stl";

        // Display OpenFileDialog by calling ShowDialog method
        Nullable<bool> result = dlg.ShowDialog();

        if (result == true)
            string filename = dlg.FileName;

but I do not know how to handle the MODEL_PATH with this button. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Regards KillerSwitch

CodePudding user response:

So I figured out how to do it. Here's how incase it helps anyone else in the future.

private Model3D Display3d(string model)
        Model3D device = null;
            //Adding a gesture here
            viewPort3d.RotateGesture = new MouseGesture(MouseAction.LeftClick);

            //Import 3D model file
            ModelImporter import = new ModelImporter();

            //Load the 3D model file
            device = import.Load(model);
        catch (Exception e)
            // Handle exception in case can not file 3D model
            MessageBox.Show("Exception Error : "   e.StackTrace);
        return device;

public void btnBrowse_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            string fileName;
            var myDialog = new OpenFileDialog();

                myDialog.Filter = "SE Model File|*.par;*.psm;*.asm;*.stl;*.obj";

                if ((bool)myDialog.ShowDialog())

                    Mouse.OverrideCursor = Cursors.Wait;

                    fileName = myDialog.FileName;

                    Model3D newModel3D;

                    var newMOdelImporter = new ModelImporter();

                    var fileInf = new FileInfo(fileName);

                    string extn = fileInf.Extension;

                    if (extn == ".stl" | extn == ".STL")

                        newModel3D = newMOdelImporter.Load(fileName);


                    // Now launch the model in Viewport.
                    var device3D = new ModelVisual3D();

                    var lights = new DefaultLights();

                    device3D.Content = Display3d(fileName);

                    this.viewPort3d.RotateGesture = new MouseGesture(MouseAction.LeftClick);

                    this.viewPort3d.ShowCoordinateSystem = true;
                    this.viewPort3d.ZoomAroundMouseDownPoint = true;
                    this.viewPort3d.ZoomExtentsWhenLoaded = true;
                    this.viewPort3d.Title = "SE File : "   fileName;
                    // viewPort3d.ShowTriangleCountInfo = True

                    Mouse.OverrideCursor = Cursors.Arrow;


            catch (Exception ex)
                Mouse.OverrideCursor = Cursors.Arrow;

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