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Swift 5 - how to define struct/type as array?


Say I've defined Position struct like this:

struct Movement : Codable {
    var x: Int
    var y: Int
    var delay: Int

Now I want to pass around [0,0,0] instead of {"x":0,"y":0,"delay":123}. How do I define Movement as an array having exactly 3 int values?

I have an API in Swift, it receives a JSON object and needs to move the mouse. At the moment the JSON resembles [{"x":1,"y":2,"delay":123},....], I want to instead send [[1,2,123],...] for this I want to replace the Movement type with something else.

CodePudding user response:

You could decode it directly into the wanted format

let data = #"[{"x":1,"y":2,"delay":123},{"x":2,"y":2,"delay":25}]"#.data(using: .utf8)!

let array = try! JSONDecoder().decode([[String: Int]].self, from: data)
    .map { [$0["x"]!, $0["y"]!, $0["delay"]!]}

This assumes the keys "x", "y" and "delay" always exist

CodePudding user response:

You can use ExpressibleByArrayLiteral, but don't. Your type is already available as SIMD2.

([0, 0] as SIMD2).scalarCount // 2
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