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How to use software prefetch systematically?


After reading the accepted answer in When should we use prefetch? and examples from Prefetching Examples?, I still have a lot of issues with understanding when to actually use prefetch. While those answers provide an example where prefetch is helpful, they do not explain how to discover it in real programs. It looks like random guessing.

In particular, I am interested in the C implementations for intel x86 (prefetchnta, prefetcht2, prefetcht1, prefetcht0, prefetchw) that are accessible through GCC's __builtin_prefetch intrinsic. I would like to know:

  • How can I see that software prefetch can help for my specific program? I imagine that I can collect CPU profiling metrics (e.g. number of cache misses) with Intel Vtune or Linux utility perf. In this case what metrics (or relation between them) indicate the opportunity to improve performance with software prefetching?
  • How I can locate the loads that suffer from cache misses the most?
  • How to see the cache level where misses happen to decide which prefetch(0,1,2) to use?
  • Assuming I found a particular load that suffers from the miss in a specific cache level, where should I place prefetch? As an example, assume that the next loop suffers from cache misses
for (int i = 0; i < n; i  ) {
   // some code
   double x = a[i];
   // some code

Should I place prefetch before or after the load a[i]? How far ahead it should point a[i m]? Do I need to worry about unrolling the loop to make sure that I am prefetching only on cache line boundaries or it will be almost free like a nop if data is already in cache? Is it worth to use multiple __builtin_prefetch calls in a row to prefetch multiple cache lines at once?

CodePudding user response:

How to use software prefetch systematically?

The quick answer is: don't.

As you correctly analyzed, prefetching is a tricky and advanced optimisation technique that is not portable and rarely useful.

You can use profiling to determine what sections of code form a bottleneck and use specialized tools such as valgrind to try and identify cache misses that could potentially be avoided using compiler builtins.

Don't expect too much from this, but do profile the code to concentrate your optimizing efforts where it can be useful.

Remember also that a better algorithm can beat an optimized implementation of a less efficient one for large datasets.

CodePudding user response:

How can I see that software prefetch can help for my specific program?

You can check the proportion of cache misses. perf or VTune can be used to get this information thanks to hardware performance counters. You can get the list with perf list for example. The list is dependent of the target processor architecture but there are some generic events. For example, L1-dcache-load-misses, LLC-load-misses and LLC-store-misses. Having the amount of cache misses is not very useful unless you also get the number of load/store. There are generic counters like L1-dcache-loads, LLC-loads or LLC-stores. AFAIK, for the L2 there is no generic counters (at least on Intel processors) and you need to use specific hardware counters (for exemple l2_rqsts.miss on Intel Skylake-like processors). To get the overall statistics, you can use perf stat -e an_hardware_counter,another_one your_program. A good documentation can be found here.

When the proportion of misses is big, then you should try to optimize the code but this is just a hint. In fact, regarding your application, you can have a lot of cache hit but many cache misses in critical part/time of your application. As a result, cache misses can be lost among all the others. THis is especially true for the L1 cache references that are massive in scalar code compared to SIMD ones. One solution is to profile only specific portion of your application and use the knowledge of it so to investigate in the good direction. Performance counters are not really a tool to automatically search issues in your program, but a tool to assist you in validating/disproving some hypothesis or to give some hint about what is happening. It gives you evidences to solve a mysterious case but it is up to you, the detective, to do all the work.

How I can locate the loads that suffer from cache misses the most?

Some hardware performance counters are "precise" meaning that the instruction that has generated the event can be located. This is very useful since you can tell which instructions are responsible for the most cache misses (though it is not always precise in practice). You can use perf record perf report so to get the information (see the previous tutorial for more information).

Note that there are many reasons that can cause a cache misses and only few cases can be solved by using software prefetching.

How to see the cache level where misses happen to decide which prefetch(0,1,2) to use?

This is often difficult to choose in practice and very dependent of your application. Theoretically, the number is an hint to tell to the processor if the level of locality of the target cache line (eg. fetched into the L1, L2 or L3 cache). For example, if you know that data should be read and reused soon, it is a good idea to put it in the L1. However, if the L1 is used and you do not want to pollute it with data used only once (or rarely used), it is better to fetch data into lower caches. In practice, it is a bit complex since the behavior may not be the same from one architecture to another... See What are _mm_prefetch() locality hints? for more information.

An example of usage is for this question. Software prefetching was used to avoid cache trashing issue with some specific strides. This is a pathological case where the hardware prefetcher is not very useful.

Assuming I found a particular load that suffers from the miss in a specific cache level, where should I place prefetch?

This is clearly the most tricky part. You should prefetch the cache lines sufficiently early so for the latency to be significantly reduced, otherwise the instruction is useless and can actually be detrimental. Indeed, the instruction takes some space in the program, need to be decoded, and use load ports that could be used to execute other (more critical) load instructions for example. However, if it is too late, then the cache line can be evicted and need to be reloaded...

The usual solution is to write a code like this:

for (int i = 0; i < n; i  ) {
   // some code
   const size_t magic_distance_guess = 200;
   __builtin_prefetch(&data[i magic_distance_guess]);
   double x = a[i];
   // some code

Where magic_distance_guess is a value generally set based on benchmarks (or a very deep understanding of the target platform though the practice often shows even highly-skilled developers fail to find the best value).

The thing is the latency is very dependent of where data are coming from and the target platform. In most case, developers cannot really know exactly when to do the prefetching unless they work on a unique given target platform. This makes software prefetching tricky to use and often detrimental when the target platform changes (one has to consider the maintainability of the code and the overhead of the instruction). Not to mention that built-ins are compiler-dependent, prefetching intrinsics are architecture-dependent and there is no standard portable way to use software prefetching.

Do I need to worry about unrolling the loop to make sure that I am prefetching only on cache line boundaries or it will be almost free like a nop if data is already in cache?

Yes, prefetching instructions are not free and so it is better to use only 1 instruction per cache line (as other prefetching instruction on the same cache line will be useless).

Is it worth to use multiple __builtin_prefetch calls in a row to prefetch multiple cache lines at once?

This is very dependent of the target platform. Modern mainstream x86-64 processors execute instructions in an out-of-order way in parallel and they have a pretty huge window of instruction analyzed. They tends to execute load as soon as possible so to avoid misses and they are often very good for such job.

In your example loop, I expect the hardware prefetcher should do a very good job and using software prefetching should be slower on a (relatively recent) mainstream processor.

Software prefetching was useful when hardware prefetchers was not very smart a decade ago but they tends to be very good nowadays. Additionally, it is often better to guide hardware prefetcher than to use software prefetching instruction since the former have a lower overhead (and cannot be disabled anyway AFAIK). This is why software prefetching is discouraged (eg. by Intel and most developpers) unless you really know what you are doing.

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