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Split from list in python


In my list I have few items, i.e.,

List=['a/c/d/eww/d/df/rr/e.jpg', 'ss/dds/ert/eww/ees/err/err.jpg','fds/aaa/eww/err/dd.jpg']

I want to keep only from 'eww' till last '/'

Modified_list=['eww/d/df/rr/', 'eww/ees/err/err.jpg','eww/err/']

CodePudding user response:

Use find(sub_str) function.

new_list = [item[item.find("eww"):] for item in List]


['eww/d/df/rr/e.jpg', 'eww/ees/err/err.jpg', 'eww/err/dd.jpg']

CodePudding user response:

Try using this list comprehension, assuming that the eww string is present in all the elements of the input list:

lst = ['a/c/d/eww/d/df/rr/e.jpg', 'ss/dds/ert/eww/ees/err/err.jpg', 'fds/aaa/eww/err/dd.jpg']
modified_list = [x[x.index('eww'):x.rindex('/') 1] for x in lst]

It works as expected:

=> ['eww/d/df/rr/', 'eww/ees/err/', 'eww/err/']

CodePudding user response:

new_list2=[item[item.find('eww'):item.rfind('/') 1] for item in List]

output= ['eww/d/df/rr/', 'eww/ees/err/', 'eww/err/']

CodePudding user response:

Here are the steps I would do:

  1. split the string after eww assuming that each string contains 'eww' you can split the string like this: split = 'eww' string.split('eww')[1]
  2. Now, you have to loop over each character in the remaining string and save the index of the last /
  3. Remove everything after the last / with the index from step 3: split = split[:splitIndex]
  4. Now, you just have to put everything in a loop that iterates over the list and execute each of the steps above on each element of the list and save the modified string to the ModiefiedList list.
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