Suppose the pandas dataframe contains the following:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'text': ['ABC - XYZ- Some Text', 'DEF- XYZ -sometext', 'GHI -XYZ - sometext', 'JKL-XYZ- sometext', 'MNO1- XYZ- some text', 'MNO2 - XYZ - some text', 'MNO3 - XYZ-some text', 'MNO4-XYZ -some text', 'MNO5- XYZ-sometext -someother text', 'MNO6 -XYZ -sometext-someother text']})
All I want to do is to remove leading and training white spaces around 'only' the dashes and then split the data into new (multiple) columns of a new dataframe. So that the new dataframe should look like this:
Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5 Col6 ....
ABC XYZ Some Text none none none
DEF XYZ sometext none none none
GHI XYZ sometext none none none
JKL XYZ sometext none none none
MNO6 XYZ sometext someother text none none
Basically depending upon the highest number of dashes, there will be the columns in the new dataframe (e.g. if it is 6 dashes then there will be 6 columns) and
where ever there are no values for a column after split, there will be none values.
Now, what I am trying to do something like this:
df1 = df['text'].str.split(' - ', n=2, expand=True)
df1.columns = ['Col_1_{}'.format(x 1) for x in df1.columns]
and then
df2 = df1['Col_1_1'].str.split('- ', n=1, expand=True)
df2.columns = ['Col_1_1_{}'.format(x 1) for x in df2.columns]
and so on so that later I can merge all these columns and do renaming of these.
But this seems not to be efficient, sorry as I am not a pro python :'(
Is there an efficient way of achieving the result the way I want? any suggestions would be appreciated.
CodePudding user response:
You can use
df['text'].str.split(r'\s*[—–-]\s*', expand=True)
The \s*[—–-]\s*
matches any hyphen, en- or em-dash and any zero or more whitespace chars on its left and right.
The expand=True
will make it output a dataframe.
See the Pandas test:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'text': ['ABC - XYZ- Some Text', 'DEF- XYZ -sometext', 'GHI -XYZ - sometext', 'JKL-XYZ- sometext', 'MNO1- XYZ- some text', 'MNO2 - XYZ - some text', 'MNO3 - XYZ-some text', 'MNO4-XYZ -some text', 'MNO5- XYZ-sometext -someother text', 'MNO6 -XYZ -sometext-someother text']})
df1 = df['text'].str.split(r'\s*[—–-]\s*', expand=True)
df1.columns = ['Col{}'.format(x 1) for x in df1.columns]
>>> df1
Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4
0 ABC XYZ Some Text None
1 DEF XYZ sometext None
2 GHI XYZ sometext None
3 JKL XYZ sometext None
4 MNO1 XYZ some text None
5 MNO2 XYZ some text None
6 MNO3 XYZ some text None
7 MNO4 XYZ some text None
8 MNO5 XYZ sometext someother text
9 MNO6 XYZ sometext someother text